- Anchovy Canapé, 60
- Apple Ball Cocktail, 42
- Apple Sauce, 43
- Apples, Rose en Surprise, 33
- Apricots with Cream and Nut Brittle, 28
- Arcadia Cakes, 73
- Bacon and Cheese Sandwich, Open, 17
- Bacon Curls, 69
- Bacon Salad, 36
- Beverages
- Chocolate Caramel Milk Shake, 57
- Chocolate Float, 64
- Coffee with Honey and Whipped Cream, 92
- Iced Coffee with Vanilla, 23
- Iced Tea with Ginger Ale, 48
- Percolated Coffee I, 57
- Percolated Coffee II, 75
- Pineapple Smash, 84
- Sonth American Chocolate, 39
- Tea with Candied Mint Leaves, 13
- Tea with Spiced Syrup, 30
- Biscuit Shapes, 20
- Biscuits
- Butterscotch, 62
- Egg, 20
- Orange, 46
- Marmalade, 70
- Boiled Fowl, 79
- Boiled Orange Frosting, 22
- Bouillon, Chicken and Clam, 78
- Bran Muffins, 90
- Brittle, Nut, 29
- Butter Cream, 74
- Butterscotch Biscuits, 62
- Butterscotch Parfait, 72
- Cabbage and Carrot Salad, 89
- Cake
- Cream Caramel Layer, 56
- Mary Ann Sponge, 91
- Orange Layer, 21
- Cakes
- Arcadia, 73
- Cocoanut, 65
- Fig Marguerites, 12
- Ginger Puffs, 29
- Little Chocolate, 83
- Cake Fillings
- Orange Cream, 22
- Butter Cream, 74
- Canapé, Anchovy, 60
- Candied Mint Leaves, 13
- Caramel Frosting, Chocolate, 57
- Caramel Cream Layer Cake, 56
- Carrot Salad, Cabbage and, 89
- Cases, Timbale, 35
- Celery Cheese Toast, 44
- Celery Sandwich, Stuffed, 62
- Celery Sauce, 44
- Charlotte, Maple, go
- Cheese and Bacon Sandwich, Open, 17
- Cheese Toast, Celery, 44
- Cheese, Crackers and, 56
- Cheese Dressing, 10
- Cheese Frosting, 30
- Chicken and Clam Bonillon, 78
- Chicken Salad, Star, 81
- Chicken Terrapin, 79
- Chili Sauce, 1921, 46
- Chocolate Cakes, Little, 83
- Chocolate Caramel Frosting, 57
- Chocolate Caramel Milk Shake, 57
- Chocolate Caramel Syrup, 56
- Chocolate Float, 64
- Chocolate, Frozen, 65
- Chocolate, South American, 39