- Mock Lobster à la Newburg, 34
- Shellfish à la Queen, 61
- Tuna Fish à la King, 87
- Hot Ham Sandwiches, 8
- Ice-creams and Ices
- Butterscotch Parfait, 72
- Cocoa Ice-cream, 11
- Frozen Chocolate, 65
- Orange Mousse, 37
- Pineapple Smash, 84
- Iced Coffee with Vanilla, 23
- Iced Tea with Ginger Ale, 48
- Jam, Pepper, 54
- Jelly
- Grape or Currant, 9
- Spiced, 80
- Tomato, 19
- Lemon Slices, Sngared, 49
- Lettuce with Russian Dressing, 45
- Lobster, Mock à la Newburg, 34
- (See Shellfish à la Queen);
- Maple Charlotte, 90
- Maple Pecan Sauce, 91
- Marguerites, Fig, 12
- Market Orders, 6, 15, 25, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86
- Marmalade Biscuits, 70
- Marmalade, Quick Orange, 70
- Marshmallow Frosting, 13
- Mary Ann Sponge Cake, 91
- Mayonnaise Dressing, 19
- Mayonnaise Dressing, Cooked, 72
- Menus, I, 5; II, 14; III, 24; IV, 31; V, 40; VI, 50; VII, 58; VIII, 67; IX, 76; X, 85
- Meringue, 48
- Milk Shake, Chocolate Caramel, 57
- Mint Leaves, Candied, 13
- Mixed Sweet Pickles, 17
- Mock Lobster à la Newburg, 34
- Molasses Pie, 47
- Mousse, Orange, 37
- Muffins
- Bran, 90
- Cream, 26
- Mushrooms, Creamed Eggs and, 68
- Mushroom Soup, Cream of, 87
- Newburg, Mock Lobster, 34
- Noodles, Fried, 53
- Nut Brittle, 29
- Orange Biscuits, 46
- Orange Cream Filling, 22
- Orange Frosting, Boiled, 22
- Orange and Grapefruit Salad, 63
- Orange Layer Cake, 21
- Orange Marmalade, Quick, 70
- Orange Mousse, 37
- Orange Opera Fudge, 66
- Oysters, Sautéd, 43
- (See Shellfish à la Queen)
- Parfait, Butterscotch, 72
- Parker House Rolls, Quick, 82
- Pastry
- Plain, 47
- Puff, 88
- Patty Cases, 89
- Pepper Jam, 54
- Pepper Jam Sandwiches, 54
- Percolated Coffee, I, 57
- Percolated Coffee, II, 75
- Pickles
- Chili Sauce, 1921, 46
- Ripe Cucumber Rings, 28
- Spiced Figs, 80
- Mixed Sweet, 17
- Pie, Molasses, 47
- Pimiento Cream, 78
- Pineapple Salad, 71