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Page:Bradshaw's Monthly (XVI).djvu/18

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Distances Up Trains 6 10½ 4 7  
Between Liverpool and Birmingham
Four inside Coach £1 7 6
Six Inside Coach by Mail Trains 1 6 0
Six Inside Coach by other Trains 1 4 6
Second Class Closed Carriages 0 18 0
*Third Class Open Carriages by 6 a.m train from Liverpool, and by 6 a. m. train from Birmingham 0 13 0
*Passengers will be booked by this conveyance from Liverpool and Birmingham to First Class stations only, and from First Class stations to either of the Terminal, but not to intermediate stations, at lower rates in projection.
Children under Ten years of age half-price.
Ditto in arms, free
One Horse £2 0 0
Two Horses, if one property & in 1 box 3 0 0
Three ditto 4 0 0
Dogs, each 0 3 0
Gentlemen's Carriages, Four Wheels 3 0 0
,,,,Two,, 2 0 0
Passengers in Private Carriage at 2nd Class Fares 0 18 0
Grooms in charge of Horses, if riding with them in the box 0 14 0
a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.  
Mail Mail 2nd
* London
  LIVERPOOL 3 30 6 0 8 15 10 30 4 0 . .    
19½ WARRINGTON 4 17 6 55 9 2 11 20 4 55 7 47 . .
22¼ Moore . . 7 3 . . . . 5 8 . . . .
25 Preston Brook . . 7 16 . . . . 5 16 . . . .
29¼ Acton . . 7 30 . . . . 5 30 . . . .
31¾ HARTFORD 4 53 7 40 9 38 11 58 5 40 8 23 . .
36¼ Winsford . . 7 56 . . . . 5 56 . . . .
38¼ Minshull Vernon . . 8 2 . . . . 6 2 . . . .
43½ CREWE 5 24 8 23 10 9 12 32 6 23 8 54 . .
46 Basford . . 8 32 . . . . 6 32 . . . .
51½ Madely . . 8 52 . . . . 6 52 . . . .
54¼ WHITMORE 6 5 9 5 10 50 1 15 7 5 9 35 . .
62½ Norton Bridge . . 9 25 . . . . 7 25 . . . .
68¼ STAFFORD 6 37 9 45 11 22 1 47 7 45 10 7 . .
78½ Penkridge . . 10 6 . . . . 8 6 . . . .
76 Spread Eagle . . 10 15 . . . . 8 15 . . . .
77½ Four Ashes . . 10 19 . . . . 8 19. . . .  
83 WOLVERHAMPTON 7 18 10 36 12 3 2 32 8 36 10 48 . .
85½ Willenhall . . 10 50 . . . . 8 50 . . . .
88 WALSALL 7 25 10 59 . . 2 40 8 59 10 53 . .
90¾ Newton Road . . 11 9 . . . . 9 9 . . . .
94¼ Perry Bar . . 11 19 . . . . 9 19 . . . .
97¾ Birmingham 8 0 11 30 12 45 3 15 9 30 11 30 . .
Sunday trains.—1st class leave Liverpool for London, at 3 30°, Mixed 8 15 a.m. and 7* p.m (10¼ a.m. to Birmingham only), stopping at first class stations only.

To London by the following trains:— On week-days at 8¼ and 10¼ a.m. taking first class passengers, and horses and carriages. 7 p.m. taking first class passengers only.—On Sundays the 8¼ a.m. takes first class passengers, and carriages and horses; and the 7 p.m. first class passengers only.

NOTICE.—Passengers should be at the first class stations 5 minutes and at the second class stations 10 minutes, before the time specified.

A Supply of Trucks and Horse-Boxes will be kept at all the principals stations on the line; but to prevent disappointment, it is requisite that notice should be given at the station where they may be required, the day previous. No charge for landing or embarking Carriages or Horses on any part of the line.

Trains marked thus * stop at Walsall station for passengers proceeding to Birmingham or Stafford, or other first class stations north of Stafford.