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Page:Breaking the Hindenburg Line.djvu/17

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His Majesty King George V inspecting the Battlefield of Bellenglise Frontispiece
Facing Page
Captain J. C. Green, V.C., R.A.M.C. (T.), and Captain C. G. Vickers, V.C., Early V.C. Heroes of the 46th Division 18
Lieutenant J. C. Barrett, V.C., 1/5th Leicesters. Severely Wounded in the Attack on Pontruet, and awarded the Victoria Cross for his Bravery and Leadership during the Action 28
Air Photograph of the St. Quentin Canal at Bellenglise, showing the Defence System to the East of the Canal and the German Bridges 32
St. Quentin Canal, showing the Brick Facing of the Canal and its Steep Banks. In the Distance the Remains of a German Footbridge 34
Brigadier-General J. V. Campbell, V.C., C.M.G., D.S.O., Brigade Commander 137th Infantry Brigade 44
Air Photograph of Bellenglise and the St. Quentin Canal from above the Hindenburg Defences West of the Canal 56
St. Quentin Canal with Requeval Bridge. From this Picture the Value of Captain Charlton's Work in preserving the Bridge from Destruction is well seen 58