Page:Bride's burial, or, The affectionate lovers (2).pdf/4

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So did my dear exceed, in ſight,
all the virgins in the church.

When we had knit the knot
of holy wedlock bands,
Like alabaſter join'd to wine,
ſo ſtood we hand in hand.

Then lo! a chilling cold
ſtruck ev'ry vital part,
And grippling grief, like pangs of death,
ſeiz'd on my true love's heart!

Down in a ſwoon ſhe fell,
as cold as any ſtone,
Like Venus' picture wanting life,
ſo was my love brought home.

At length a roſy red
throughout her comely face,
As Phœbus' beams with wat'ry cloud
o'ercover'd for a ſpace,

Then, with a grievous groan!
and voice both hoarſe and dry,
Farewel, quoth ſhe, my lovely friends,
for I this day muſt die!