Page:Brief notes of the voyage to WA on the convict ship Norwood arrived Fremantle.pdf/1

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On Board the 2d of April Sailed from Portland the 18 head wind ruff night the Sattedy night before Easter and Easter Settedy night Caut A Shark on the 21st of May A Death the same Day A funeral the 22nd A ship Came up and took Letters the 23 A good Brees of wind 24 A Birth on the 26th Crossed the line the same day 26 wich was Sunday

the outlandicc Ocan the tropic the medary Island the cannary Island the peak of tinereff along the coast of affrecca and other peak mountains

8 days brees + Stedy wind 2 June good wind 3 making prepration for ruff wether 4 opisit Eugener Brasiel out of the tropict 6 fair wind not much of it

7 niggers friday night