Cups with playing boys, outside; dragons among clouds, inside.
Tea Cups with dragon medallions and water caltrops; dragons among clouds, inside.
Cups with clouds and dragons, outside; floral medallions, inside.
Wine Jars (beakers) decorated with the emblems of longevity, the fir, bamboo, and plum.
Dishes (saucer shaped) with floral ground inside and out.
Dishes decorated inside and out with cranes flying through clouds.
Dishes with dragons coiling through Indian lotus flowers, outside; phœnixes flying through flowers, inside.
Dishes with fruit-bearing lotus, outside; floral medallions, inside.
Dishes with phœnixes flying through flowers, outside; ascending and descending dragons sporting, inside.
Jars with covers, with branched fungus supporting the eight precious emblems.
Jars with the eight Taoist immortals crossing the sea.
Jars with children playing masquerade revels.
Jars with peacocks and mutan peonies.
Jars with lions sporting with embroidered balls.
Jars with sprays of fairy flowers bearing the eight precious emblems.
Jars with floral ground, different kinds of fish and water plants.
Jars with the eight famous horses of the ancient Emperor Mu Wang.
Jars with waterfalls of Ssuch'üan province and flying lions.
Jars with waves and flames supporting the eight mystic diagrams.
Jars of octagonal form, the lobes filled with dragons in sea-waves.
Vases with fabulous lion and dragons.
Vases with branching fungus and the emblematic flowers of the four seasons.
Large round dishes with the flowers of the four seasons,