ties would reign in such a school. Just as West's great picture of Wolfe's death was supposed to violate all the proprieties of art because the figures were depicted in eighteenth-century coats and hats instead of in Grecian "drapery" or Roman togas, so the Japanese disciple of the Chinese school had to obey canons which cramped his originality and were only saved from becoming anachronistic by the immemorial conservatism of the Chinese nation. Concerning the excellences of this school, it may be said that, apart from force, directness, and delicacy of line, which are common to all Japanese masters, there is a really remarkable sense of "values;" a subtle attention to colour gradations and atmospheric conditions, which would have given almost perfect results had the principle been uniformly recognised that nature does not show accented outlines, that edges are never the deepest notes of colour in her landscapes and seascapes. A very appreciative paragraph from Anderson's "Pictorial Arts of Japan" may be quoted here:—