Page:Brinkley - Japan - Volume 8.djvu/496

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813. Dōraku=mark found on modern Ikao ware.
814. Miyagawa Kōzan zō=made by Miyagawa Kōzan.
815. Makuzu Kōzan=(made by) Makuzu Kōzan.
816. Makuzu Kōzan zō=made by Makuzu Kōzan.
817. Makuzu in a plum-petal and the ideograph (Kana) ho=a mark used by Miyagawa Kōzan.
818. Kōzan=a mark used by Miyagawa Kōzan.
819. Another form of No. 818.
820. Another form of No. 818.
821. Another form of No. 818.
822. Another form of No. 818.
823. Makuzu=a mark used by Miyagawa Kōzan.
824. Makuzugahara, Dōjin=(made by) Dōjin, at Makuzu-gahara.
825. Makuzu yō Kōzan zō=made by Kōzan at the Makuzu kiln.
826. Fujiyō Makuzu zō=made by Makuzu at the Fuji kiln.
827. Makuzu=Another form of No. 823.
828. Kenzan, with an illegible ideograph=a mark used by Kenzan working in Yedo.
829. Kenya=Kenya's mark.
830. Benshi=Benshi's mark. On either side of a delineation of the Paullownia crest (of the Tokugawa) are the characters Nikkō (glory of the sun), and below is the name Yūtokujin, being the art appellation of Yoshimune, (eighth generation). There is added the inscription tenka taihei kokudo anzen kaiun shusse (peace to the empire; tranquillity to the country; success to the individual) together with Anyei gannen shogatsu hōnō Benshi (offered respectfully by Benshi in the first month of the first year of Anyei 1772).
830 –A. Seishi=mark used on ware produced in the Shiba district of Tōkyō about 1875.
830 –B. Another form of No. 830–A.
831. Seinyū=mark found on a species of modern Raku faience made in Tōkyō.
832. Suiuken=mark used by Miura on Sado ware of Tōkyō; modern.
833. Sampo=another mark used by Miura (vide No. 832).
834. =abbreviation of Katō Tomojirō, a modern Tōkyō potter.
835. Tōkyō Matsumoto Yoshinobu ga=painted by Matsumoto Yoshinobu of Tōkyō.
836. Rōzan=mark used by a modern potter of Tōkyō.
837. Tōkyō sei Shimauchi Shinzan ga=painted by Shimauchi Shinzan and made in Tōkyō.
838. Suzumeyama Dōyetsu=mark of a modern potter of Tōkyō.
839. Eizan=mark of a modern Tōkyō potter.
840. Ryūsei Eizan=mark of Ryūsei Eizan (vide No. 839) with his seal.
841. Tōkyō Kinyō, Hirabayashi Tōhei ga=painted by Hirabayashi Tōhei at the "brocade kiln" in Tōkyō; a modern potter.
842. Nakagawasai, Ishiwata Takenobu=mark of modern Tōkyō potter, Ishiwata Takenobu. Art name, Nakagawa-sai.
843. Dai Nippon Shigetake Getsuzan utsusu=copied by Shigetake Getsuzan of Great Japan; a modern Tōkyō potter.
844. Meizan sei Yoshinobu ga=made by Meizan and painted by Yoshinobu. Meizan is a modern Tōkyō potter, who has imitated several kinds of ware.
845. Tenka ichi, Hatta Gensai=Hatta Gensai (modern Tōkyō potter); "best under the sun."
846. Kiyen shujin=mark of Kiyen, a modern Tōkyō potter.
847. Tōbu Okamura zō=made by Okamura of Tōkyō; a modern potter.
848. Dai Nippon Tōkyō Kinyosha ni oite Atago Kōsai kore wo saiga su=decorated by Atage Kōsai at the Kinyosha in Tōkyō, Great Japan.
849. Tōkyō Kohana Waraku ga=painted by Kohara Waraku of Tōkyō; modern.
850. Nippon Tōkyō Tōkō rakuga=a modern Tōkyō mark.
851. Meiji Kunen Kugatsu Dai gohyaku-jūsan gō, Nippon Tōkyō Hyōchiyen sei=made at the Hyōchiyen in Tōkyō, Japan, in August, 1876; (vide No. 513.)