Page:Britain's Deadly Peril.djvu/198

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BALLADS OF BRAVE WOMEN. Records of tub Heroic in Thought, Action A^;D Endurance.

By Alfred H. Miles and other writers.

Large crown Svo, red limp, 1/- net; cloth, gilt, 1/6 net; paste grain, gilt (boxed), 3/- net ; Persian yapp, gilt top (boxed), 4/- net.

"Ballads of Brave Women *' is a collection of Poems suitable for recitation at women's meetings and at gatherings and entertainments of a more general character. Its aim is to celebrate the bravery of v^omen as shown in the pages of history, on the field of war, in the battle of life, in the cause of freedom, in the service of humanity, and in the face of death.

The subjects dealt with embrace Loyalty, Patriotism, In War, In Domestic Life, For Love, Self-Sacrifice, For Liberty, Labour, In Danger, For Honour, The Care of the Sick, In Face of Death, etc., by a selection of the world's greatest writers, and edited by Alfred H. Miles.

" The attention which everything appertaining to the woman's movement is just now receiving has induced Mr. Alfred H. Miles to collect and edit these ' Ballads of Brave Women.' He has made an excellent choice, and produced a useful record of tributes to woman's heroism in thought, action and endurance." — Pall Mall Gazette.


Alfriid H. Miles. Origiiaal Poems, Ballads and Stories in Verse, Lyrical and Dramatic, for Readirg and Recitation. Crown Svo, 1/- net.


A book of new and original Monologues, Duologues, Dialogues, and Playlets for Home and Platform use. By Catherine EveljTi, Clare Shirley, Robert Overton, and other writers. Edited by Alfred H. Miles.

In crown Svo, red limp, 1/- net ; cloth gilt, 1/6 net ; paste grain, gilt (boxed), 3/- net ; Persian yapp, gill (boxed), 4/- net.

Extract from Editor's preface, *' The want of a collection of short pieces for home use, which, while worthy of professional representation shall not be too exacting for amateur rendering, and shall be well within the limits of drawing-room resources, has often been pressed upon the Editor, and the difficulty of securing such pieces has alone delayed his issue of a collection.

"Performances may be given in drawing-rooms, school rooms, and lecture halls, privately or for charitable purposes unconditionally, except that the authorship and source must be acknowledged on any printed programmes that may be issued, but permission must be previously secured from the Editor, who, in the interests of his con- tributors reserves ail dramatic rights for their performance in theatres and mubic halls or by professionals for professional purposes."