Page:British Flowering Plants.djvu/316

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Plate CXVII. Facing page 152
Foxtail Grass—Alopccurus pratensis (page 152)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Spike or ear (natural size)
3. Opening flower
4 and 5. Front view of open flower
6. Back view of closed flower, showing glumes
7. Open glumes
8. Glume
9. Pistil and stamens
10. Anthers just emerging from the glumes
Plate CXVIII. Facing page 152
Quaking Grass—Briza media (page 153)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Flowering spikelet
3. Glumes
4. Flower enclosed by glumes
5. Lower glume
6. Upper glume
7. Pistil and stamens
8. Pistil
9. Nectary
10 and 11. Seeds
Plate CXIX. Facing page 154
Dog's-tail Grass—Cynosurus cristatus (page 153)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Flowering spike or ear (slightly enlarged)
3 and 4. Flowering spikelets
5. Sterile spikelet
6. Closed flower
7. Flowers and glumes
8. Pistil and stamens (natural size)
9. Pistil and stamens (magnified)
10 and 11. Nectary
12 and 13. Seeds
Plate CXX. Facing page 154
Cock's-tail Grass—Dactylis glomerata (page153)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Flowering spray
3 and 4. Spikelet
5. Perianth
6. Glumes
7. Flower between glumes
8. Pistil and stamens
9. Pistil
10 and 11. Seeds