Page:British Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fresh-water Fishes.djvu/35

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Slow Worm may often be discovered in a state of repose, and some of its movements are not of a quick nature, it can, if needs be, move along at a rapid rate. When in motion it is most fascinating to watch, and this too often despised reptile should occupy a much worthier place than it does in the fauna of our land. The slough, or body covering, is cast either in pieces or entire, starting at the head and gradually working towards the tail. When the old skin is shed both the colour and activity of the Slow Worm increase, and it then feeds more readily. It hibernates during Winter, but is tempted to emerge from its hiding place on a mild day, the warm sunshine being much to its liking. Its greatest enemy is probably the Adder, but other creatures also prey upon it. Man himself is its relentless foe. [Image omitted for copyright reasons]

Common Lizard.Lacerta vivipara (Fig. 6). This is the first reptile coming within our survey which occurs in Ireland. As a matter of fact, it is the only reptilian