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Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 144 (1952).djvu/17

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Cnronological Index
Date Country Nature of Document Subject Page
Oct. 10 Great Britain Order in Council Extradition. Iraq. Extension to Burma 620
Oct. 10 Great Britain Order in Council Ceylon. State Council. Amendment 623
Oct. 11 Chile and Venezuela Notes Commercial Modus Vivendi 745
Oct. 14 Argentine Republic and United States Agreement and Notes Commerce 699
Oct. 14 Great Britain and El Salvador Notes Prolongation. Commercial Modus Vivendi 1931 642
Oct. 17 Canada and Brazil Agreement Commerce 687
Nov. 8 Spain Law High Commission of Spain in Spanish Zone of Morocco 844
Nov. 10 Morocco (Tangier Zone) Order Delegation of authority by Spanish High Commissioner in Tangier 866
Nov. 11 Great Britain Order in Council Merchant Shipping (Colonies) Amendment No. 2 624
Nov. 11 Great Britain King’s Speech Closing Parliament 625
Nov. 11 Great Britain King’s Speech Opening Parliament 627
Nov. 19 India and France Convention French Loge at Balasore 699
Nov, 19 Mexico and United States Convention Settlement of Claims 841
Nov. 25 Germany Ordinance Citizenship. Jews living abroad 812
Nov. 27 Great Britain Order in Council Nigeria. Legislative Council. Amendment 628
Dec. 4 Poland and Soviet Union Declaration Co-operation against Nazism 873
Dec. 6 Great Britain Letters Patent Ceylon (Amendment) 634
Dec. 10 Panama Law State of War with Japan 867
Dec. 21 Japan and Siam Pact Military Alliance. Joint action as regards Peace 838
Dec. 22 Nicaragua Decree Constitutional Guarantees suspension 861
Jan. 1 Great Britain, &c. Joint Alliance against Axis Declaration Powers 1071
Jan. 9 Great Britain Order Aliens (Employment) 883
Jan. 10 Dominican Republic Constitution Republic 1136
Jan. 13 Great Britain, &c. Resolution War Crimes 1072
Jan. 22 Great Britain Order in Council Aliens 883
Jan. 29 Great Britain and Soviet Union Treaty. Notes Alliance with Iran 1017
Jan 29. Ecuador and Peru. Protocol Peace, Friendship and Frontiers 1161
Jan 31. Great Britain and Ethiopia Agreement General 989