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Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 144 (1952).djvu/28

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Great Britain

ORDER IN COUNCIL amending “The Northen Rhodesia (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1924 ”.—London, February 6, 1940([1])

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 6th day of February, 1940


Whereas by “The Northern Rhodesia (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1924”’([2]) (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Order), as amended by “The Northern Rhodesia (Legislative Council) Amendment Order in Council, 1937,”( [3]) and “ The Northern Rhodesia (Legislative Council) Amendmer Order in Council, 1938,”([4]) provision is made for the con stitution of the Legislative Council of Northern Rhodesia:

And whereas it is expedient to make other provision that in the said recited Orders is contained with regard to the composition of the said Legislative Council:

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise o the powers in that behalf by “ The Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1890,”([5]) or otherwise in His Majesty vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: —

1. This Order may be cited as “The Northern Rhodesisa (Legislative Council) Amendment Order in Council, 1940.”

2. The Northern Rhodesia (Legislative Council) Amendment Order in Council, 1937, is hereby revoked without prejudice to anything lawfully done, thereunder, and the following; Article is hereby substituted for article 4 of the Principal Order:

“4, The ex officio Members of the Council shall be the persons for the time being lawfully discharging the function: of Chief Secretary to the Government, of Attorney General of Financial Secretary, of Secretary for Native Affairs and of Director of Medical Services.”

3. His Majesty, his heirs and successors in Council may from time to time revoke, add to, alter or amend this Order

4. This Order shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the Governor by Proclamation in the Northern Rhodesia Government Gazette, and shall be published in the said Gazette.

Rupert B. Howorth.

  1. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1940. No. 200.
  2. Vol. CXIX, page 36.
  3. Vol. CXLI, page 124.
  4. Vol. CXLII, page 39.
  5. Vol. LXXXII, page 656.