ORDER IN COUNCIL authorizing the Supreme Court of Palestine to take fees in respect of prize matters.—London, March 7, 1940[1]
At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 7th day of March, 1940
Whereas by section 3 of “The Prize Courts Act, 1894,”([2]) it is provided that if any Colonial Court of Admiralty within the meaning of “The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act. 1890,”([3]) is authorised under “The Prize Courts Act, 1894,” or otherwise to act as a prize court, all fees arising in respect of prize business transacted in the court shall be fixed, collected, and applied in like manner as the fees arising in respect of the Admiralty business of the court under “ The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890”:
And whereas the Supremr Court of Palestine (hereinafter called the Court) is a Colonial Court of Admiralty authorised to act as a prize court:
And whereas by virtue of section 7 of “The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890,” the fees arising in respect of the Admiralty business of the Court under that Act are regulated by rules of court made by the same authority and in the same manner as rules touching the fees in the said Court in the exrcise of its ordinary civil jurisdiction are made, provided that such rules may not, save as provided by that section, come into operation until they have been approved by His Majesty in Council, but on coming into operation are to have full effect as if enacted in the Act:
And whereas the Rules of Court mentioned in the schedule hereto, providing for the fees to be taken in prize matters in the Court, have been made by the proper authority and in the proper Manner in accordance with the above mentioned provisions:
Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue of the powers by “The Prize Courts Act, 1894,” and “The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890.” or otherwise in him vested, is pleased,