made by him in the Imperial service, whether in the Prussian army or in other contingents, from the officers of all the contingents of the Imperial army.
LXV. The right of erecting fortresses within the territories of the Confederation belongs to the Emperor, who proposes, according to Section XII, the grant of the necessary means for the purpose, in so far as they are not provided for in the ordinary estimates.
LXVI. Where nothing to the contrary is stipulated by particular Conventions, the Sovereigns of the Confederation, or the Senates, appoint the officers of their contingents, subject to the restriction of Article LXIV. They are the chiefs of all the divisions of troops belonging to their territories, and enjoy the honours connected therewith. They have especially the right of inspection at all times, and receive, besides the regular reports and announcements of alterations which take place, timely information, for the purpose of Governmental publication, of all promotions or nominations among the respective divisions of the troops.
Likewise they have the right to make use, for purposes of police, not only of their own troops, but also to make requisition for any other division of troops of the Imperial army which may be located in their territories.
LXVII. Savings from the military estimate do not belong under any circumstances to a single Government, but at all times to the Imperial Treasury.
LXVIII. The Emperor may, when the public safety is threatened in the territories of the Confederation, declare any part thereof to be in a state of war. Until the promulgation of an Imperial law, which will regulate the premisses, the form of publication and the effects of such a declaration, the rules of the Prussian law of 4th June, 1851, remain in force. (Collection of Laws for 1851 page 451 & 8qq.)
Final Stipulation to Section XI.
The provisions contained in this section come into force in Bavaria according to the special stipulations of the Treaty of Confederation, of November 28, 1870 (Federal Law Gazette, 1871, page 9), under III, § 5, and in Wurtemburg, according to the special stipulations of the Military Convention of November, 1870. (Federal Law Gazette, 1870, page 658.)
XII.—Finances of the Empire.
LXIX. All the receipts and disbursements of the Empire must be estimated for each year, and be brought into the Imperial estimates. These are to be fixed by a law before the beginning of the finaneial year, according to the following principles.
LXX. To provide for all common expenses, any balances of the