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John Stow: Chronicle. 4to. 1580–98. Continued by Edmund Howe. Folio. 1615.
John Speed: Theatre of Great Britain (folio, London, 1611); and History of Great Britain. 2 vols, large folio. 1611.
Stubbs : Anatomy of Abuses.
Bulwer : Pedigree of the English Gallant.
Militarie Instructions for the Cavalrie. Cambridge, 1632.
Randal Holmes : Notes on Dress ; Harleian MS., written about 1660.
Spectator; Rambler; Adventurer; Gray's Inn Journal; London Journal, &c.
- Porphyry.
- Ammianus Marcellinus.
- Claudian.
- Tacitus.
- Herodian.
- Dion Cassius and Xiphilin.
- Isidore.
- Gildas. Printed in Bertram's Scriptores. Svo, 1757.
- Matthew Paris.
- Winton: Chronicles.
- Fordun: Chronicles.
- Froissart: Chronicles.
- John Lesley: History of Scotland. 4to. 1578.
- George Buchannan . History of Scotland; in his works, 2 vols, folio. Edinburgh, 1714.
- John Major : History of Scotland.
- David Lyndsay of Piscottie : History of Scotland, from 1437 to 1542.
- Heron.
- Giraldus Cambrensis, translated by Sir R. Hoare · History of the Conquest of Ireland and Topographia Hibeniica, edited by Camden. 1602.
- Henry Christall : cited by Froissart in his Chronicles.
- Monstrelet · Chronicles.
- Spenser.
- Stanihurst: in Holinshed'a Chronicles.