Page:Broadcasting Act 19810068 en.pdf/83

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Broadcasting Act 1981
c. 68

The paged version of this document contained the following header content in the margin: Sch. 7

(2) The Commission may pay or make provision for paying to or in respect of any of their employees such sums by way of pensions, allowances or gratuities as the Secretary of State may determine.

(4) The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act, 1969[1] shall not require insurance to be effected by the Commission.


5.—(1) Subject to the provisions of Part III of this Act, the arrangements for the proceedings of the Commission (including the quorum for meetings) shall be such as the Commission may determine.

The arrangements may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, provide for the discharge, under the general direction of the Commission, of any of the Commission's functions by a committee or by one or more of the members, officers or servants of the Commission.

6. The validity of any proceedings of the Commission shall not of a member or by any vacancy among the members or in the office be affected by any defect in the appointment of chairman.

Financial provisions

7. The Secretary of State shall pay to the Commission expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Commission under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Schedule and, with the consent of the Minister for the Civil Service and the Treasury, shall pay to the Commission such sums as the Secretary of State thinks fit for enabling the Commission to meet other expenses.

8.—(1) shall be the duty of the Commission—

(a) to keep proper accounts and proper records in relation to the accounts;

(b) to prepare in respect of each financial year a statement of accounts in such form as the Secretary of State may direct with the approval of the Treasury; and

(c) to cause the accounts kept and the statement prepared for each financial year to be audited by auditors appointed by the Commission with the approval of the Secretary of State.

A person shall not be qualified to be appointed as an auditor in pursuance of sub-paragraph (1) unless he is a member of one or more of the following bodies–

  • the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales;
  • the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland;
  • the Association of Certified Accountants;
  • the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland;

any other body of accountants established in the United Kingdom and for the time being recognised for the purposes of section 161(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 1948[2] by the Secretary of State.

  1. 1969 c. 57
  2. 1948 c. 38