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Ord. No. 48 of 2000

32. Revocation of licence

(1) Where the Broadcasting Authority considers that there may be cause for the Chief Executive in Council or it, as the case may require, to revoke a licence under subsection (4), it shall conduct an inquiry in accordance with section 33 and, if the licence was granted by the Chief Executive in Council, submit recommendations to the Chief Executive in Council concerning the revocation.

(2) The Broadcasting Authority may as part of its inquiry, and shall where its inquiry concerns the provisions of subsection (4)(c), conduct a public hearing in accordance with procedures for the hearing determined by the Broadcasting Authority.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of procedures which the Broadcasting Authority may determine under subsection (2), it—

(a) may, notwithstanding section 27, divulge any data, book, document or record it has received in the course of the public hearing to any person it considers appropriate on terms of confidentiality or otherwise or treat the same as confidential; and
(b) shall publish in such manner as it considers fit a report of the public hearing and, if the licence was granted by the Chief Executive in Council, together with its recommendations to the Chief Executive in Council.

(4) After section 33 has been complied with but subject to subsection (5), the Chief Executive in Council or the Broadcasting Authority, as the case may require, may, by notice in writing served on the licensee, revoke a licence—

(a) for failure by the licensee to pay—
(i) any licence fee, or any other fee or charge owing by the licensee under this Ordinance, within 60 days beginning on the date the payment is due; or
(ii) any financial penalty within 60 days beginning on the date the payment is due—
(A) as specified by the Court of First Instance under section 28(4)(b); or
(B) under section 29(4);
(b) if the licensee—
(i) goes into compulsory liquidation or into voluntary liquidation other than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction; or
(ii) enters into a composition or arrangement with its creditors; or