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Ord. No. 48 of 2000
(b) if so required by the Telecommunications Authority or such authorized person, give any explanation or particulars which the Telecommunications Authority or person considers necessary for the purposes of exercising his powers under this section; and
(c) assist the Telecommunications Authority or such authorized person in carrying out the inspection or test in any manner specified by the Telecommunications Authority or such person.

(3) Nothing in subsection (2) shall oblige any person to answer any question which incriminates or might incriminate him or which relates to matters not within his knowledge or to give information which cannot reasonably be expected to be in his possession or under his control.

39. Licensee to submit returns

(1) A licensee shall submit to the Broadcasting Authority on or before the 1st of April of each year a return in the specified form showing the names and places of residence of the directors and principal officers of the licensee and indicating whether or not those directors and principal officers are for the time being ordinarily resident in Hong Kong and have been so resident for at least one continuous period of not less than 7 years.

(2) A domestic free television programme service licensee or domestic pay television programme service licensee shall submit, at the same time as the return submitted under subsection (1), a statutory declaration made by the company secretary of, or a director of, the licensee showing whether or not any disqualified person has exercised any control in the licensee during the year immediately preceding the year to which the return relates.

(3) Without prejudice to the operation of subsection (1), where there is any change of directors or principal officers in a licensee, the licensee shall submit to the Broadcasting Authority a return in the specified form showing particulars of the change, within 7 days beginning on the date the change takes place.

(4) A licensee shall submit to the Broadcasting Authority, within a reasonable time after being required to do so, such other information as the Broadcasting Authority considers necessary for the purpose of performing its functions under this Ordinance.

40. Service of documents

(1) A document (howsoever described) required to be served under this Ordinance may be served by prepaying (where requisite), registering and posting an envelope addressed to the person on or to whom the document is to be served at his usual or last known place of abode or business and containing the document; and, unless there is evidence to the contrary, the document shall be deemed to have been served and received at the time at which such envelope would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post.