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Ord. No. 48 of 2000

2. A service—

(a) consisting of the conveyance of a programme service exclusively between points specified by the person transmitting the programme service and the person receiving it; and
(b) which is not made available to any other person.

3. The provision of a transactional service, that is, a service which affords facilities to conduct from the place of reception of the service, using the same means of telecommunications by which the service is provided, transactions for the receipt of goods or services, or both, other than a transaction which consists of ordering and receiving a service that includes television programmes by the same means of telecommunications.

4. Any service (such as the services commonly known as video conferencing and video telephony) in which material is transmitted by means of telecommunications, and an essential feature of the service is that while the material is being transmitted there will or can be sent from the place of reception of the service, by the same means of telecommunications, material (other than signals sent for the operation or control of the service) for reception by the person providing the service or other persons receiving it.

5. Any service provided on the service commonly known as the INTERNET.

6. A service consisting of television programmes—

(a) which do not primarily target Hong Kong;
(b) uplinked from a place outside Hong Kong;
(c) transmitted from a satellite; and
(d) intended for general reception in that—
(i) the programmes are not encrypted or, where encrypted—
(A) the originator of the programmes has published a notice in a Chinese language newspaper circulating generally in Hong Kong, and in an English language newspaper circulating generally in Hong Kong, stating that the programmes are intended for general reception and that no fee will be charged for the right to view or listen to any such programmes in Hong Kong; and
(B) the Broadcasting Authority or the Telecommunications Authority states in writing that it or he is satisfied that the programmes are intended for general reception and that no fee will be charged for the right to view or listen to any such programmes in Hong Kong; and
(ii) no fee is in fact charged for the right to view or listen to any such programme in Hong Kong.

7. A service consisting of a closed circuit television system comprising a television transmitter unit, with or without an associated audio system, connected to reception units by wire or other material substance which does not cross a public street or unleased Government land, where the service is operated solely for internal information or security information purposes solely for users of the reception units.