Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/237

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Page 237

Examples of Rapid Population Growth in Third World Cities
  1950 Most Recent Figure UN Projection for 2000
Mexico City 3.05 16.0 (1982) 26.3
Sao Paulo 2.7 12.6 (1980) 24.0
Bombay 3.0 (1951) 8.2 (1981) 16 0
Jakarta 1.45 6.2 (1977) 12.8
Cairo 2.5 8.5 (1979) 13.2
Delhi 1.4 (1951) 5.8 (1981) 13.3
Manila 1.78 5.5 (1980) 11.1
Lagos 0.27 (1952) 4.0 (1980) 8.3
Bogota 0.61 3.9 (1985) 9.6
Nairobi 0.14 0.83 (1979) 5.3
Dar es Salaam 0.15 (1960) 0 9 (1981) 4.6
Gter. Khartoum 0.18 1.05 (1978) 4.3
Amman 0.03 0.78 (1978) 1.5
Nouakchtt 0.0058 0.25 (1982) 1.1
Manaus 0.11 0.51 (1980) 1.1
Santa cruz 0.059 0.26 (1976) 1.0

Source: Recent census data used whenever possible: if none available. an estimate by the city government or a local research group has been used. UN projections for the year 2000 from Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Estimates and Projections of Urban, Rural and City Populations 1950–2025(the 1982 Assessment). ST/ESA/SER.R/58. New York, 1985 and from UN, Urban, Rural and City Populations 1950–2000 (as Assessed in 1978), Population Studies No. 68 (New York, 1980). Other data from Jorge E. Hardoy and David Sattsrthwaite, J Shelter: Need and Response (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 1981), with some figures updated with more recent census data.

5,500 days), the developing world will have to increase by 65 per cent its capacity to produce and manage its urban infrastructure, services, and shelter – merely to maintain present conditions. And in many countries, this must be accomplished under conditions of great economic hardship and uncertainty, with resources diminishing relative to needs and rising expectations.

1. The Crisis in Third World Cities

9. Few city governments in the developing world have the power, resources, and trained staff to provide their rapidly growing populations with the land, services, and facilities needed for an adequate human life: clean water, sanitation, schools, and transport. The result is mushrooming illegal
