Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/345

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Page 345

Margarita Marino do Batere, Colombia. Chairman, Fundacion El Colegio de Villa de Leyva (The Green College): Director General, tional Institute of Renewable Natural Resources and the Environment (INDERENA) 1983–86; Director, Office of International Affairs. INDERENA 1978–83: Regional Consultant, United Nations Environment Programme 1973–77.

Nagendra Singh, Idia. President of the International Court of Justice, President of IMO Assembly 1959, President of ILO Maritime Session 1971, President of the Indian Academy Environmental Law and Research, President of the National Labour Law Association of India, Life Member of the Board of Governors of the International Council for Environmental Law, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration: Deputy Chairman of CEPLA (IUCN); Chancellor of the University of Goa: Fellow of the British Academy.

Paulo Nogueira-Neto, Brazil. Federal District Secretary of Environment, Science and Technology, National Council of Environment; Federal Secretary of the Environment 1974–86; Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, University of Sao Paulo; President, Association for the Defence of the Environment 1954–83: President, Sao Paulo State Forest Council 1957–74.

Saburo Okita. Japan. President. International University: Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Advisor to Environment Agency; Executiv Committee Member of the Club of Rome; Chairman. World Wildlife Fund Japan; Chairman, Advisory Committee for External Economic Issues 1984-85: Government Representative re: External Economic Relations 1980–81; Foreign Minister 1979–80; Member of the Pearson Commission 1968–69.

Shridath S. Ramphal, Guyana. Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations, Minister for Foreign Affairs 1972–75, Minister of Justice 1973–75, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 1967–72, Attorney General 1966–72.

William Doyle Ruckelshaus, United States, Attorney, Perkins, Coie: Administrator. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1970–73, 1983–84; Senior Vice President for Law and Corprate Affairs, Weyerhaeuser company 1976–83; Acting Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1973: Deputy Attorney General, US Department of Justice 1973.

Mohamed Sahnoun, Algeria. Algerian Ambassador to the United States: Chief of Algerian Permanent Mission to the United Nations 1982–84; Algerian Ambassador, Paris 1979–82: Algerian Ambassador, Bonn 1975–79: Deputy Secretary General, Arab League 1973–74: Deputy Secretary General. Organization of African Unity 1964–73.

Emil Salim, Indonesia. Minister of State for Population and the Environment: Ministerial State for Development Supervision and the Environment 1978–83; Member People's Consultative Assembly 1977–32; Minister of Communications 1973–78: Minister of State for Administrative Reform: Deputy Chairman, National Planning Board 1971–81.
