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BOETTGER, Johann Gottlieb, a German en- graver, was born at Dresden in 1766. He was a pupil of J. 6. Sohulz, and has engraved several plates for the booksellers and others, among which we have :

Portrait of F. W. B. de Eamdohr ; after Graaf. Calliope ; after A ngelica Kaufmann. Ganymede; after Vogel. A Vestal ; after the same.

BOTTNER, WiLHELM, who was born at Cassel in 1749, and died in 1805, is represented in the gallery of his native town by a picture of 'Daedalus and Icarus.'

BOETTO, GiovENAL, was, according to Delia Valle, a Piedmontese, and flourislied at Turin from the year 1642 till 1682. He distinguished hiuiself as a fresco painter, and was principally employed in embellishing the palaces and public edifices at Turin with allegorical subjects, which were in- geniously composed, and designed with taste and elegance. Among liis most admired works are twelve frescoes, in the Casa Garballi, representing subjects emblematical of the Arts and Sciences. Lanzi affirms that he excelled as an engraver, but his prints are not specified.

BOEYERMANS, Theodore, or Dirk, who was born at Antwerp in 1620, was a follower of Van Dyck. He was free of the Guild of St. Luke in 1654, and his name occurs at intervals on the registers until the time of his death, which took place at Antwerp in 1677-78. His works — historical and portraits — are correctly designed and agreeably coloured, and show a good knowledge of chiaro- scuro. Amongst them we find :

Antwerp. Museum. The Ambassador. „ The Pool of Bethesda. 1675 T. BOEIJERMANS PINXIT. „ „ The Visit {signed). „ „ Antwerp as patroness of painters, inscrihed antteepi.e pictoetm NTTRICI P"- „ „ Head of a AVoman. St. Jacques. Assumption of the Virgin. 1671.

BOGDANI, James, known as a fruit and flower painter in England in the time of Queen Anne, was a Hungarian by birth. After a long residence in London, he died in Great Queen Street in 1724. He was employed by Queen Mary II., at Hampton Court Palace, where some of his pictures still exist. A memoir of him by Dr. G. de Terey is now (1 909) in course of issue in Budapest.

BOGLE, John, exhibited miniature portraits in London from 1769 to 1792. In early life he lived in Glasgow and Edinburgh ; afterwards he came to London, where it is said he died in poverty.

BOGUET, Nicolas Didier, a French landscape painter, was born at Chantilly in 1755, and passed the whole of his life in Rome, where he died in 1839. There are examples of his work in the Galleries of Versailles, Aix, and Montpellier.

BOHER, Francois, a French painter, sculptor, and architect, who was likewise a poet, was bom at Villefranche in 1769, and became director of the school of design and architecture at Perpignan. He died in his native town in 1825.

BOIDELSIN, — , (or BoiDESSiN,) was a French painter who flourished at Metz at the end of the 17th century. There is a ' Nativity ' by him in the convent of the Visitation of St. Mary at Metz ; and he also painted a ' Vierge au Mont Carmel,' which is well designed and drawn.

BOILLY, Alphonse, a French engraver, was the son of Louis Leopold Boilly, the portrait painter. He was born in Paris in 1801, and was a pupil of Pierre Alexandre Tardieu and of Forster. He died at Le Petit Montrouge in 1867. Among his best works are :

The Woman taken in Adultery ; aftei- Titian. The Miracle of the Loaves ; after Murillo. George "Washington, whole length ; after Gilbert Stuart. Marie Th^rese Antoinette, Infanta of Spain, Dauphiness of France ; after Tocque.

BOILLY, JuLlEN LEOPOLD, a painter, engraver, and lithographer, who was born in Paris in 1796, was the son and pupil of Louis Leopold Boilly. He also studied under Gros. In 1826 he made a journey to Italy, and on his return published a series of studies of the costumes of the country. He also executed portraits in pastel and in chalk. A portrait of his father, by him, is in the Lille Museum. He died in Paris in 1874.

BOILLY, LoDis LEOPOLD, was born at La Bassee, near Lille, in 1761. His only master was his father, Arnould Boilly, a wood-carver. He under- took to paint when ia his twelfth year a picture of 'St. Roch curing the Plague,' for a chapel of that saint. In the following year he executed for the brothers of St. Roch a burial scene containing por- traits. These are still to be seen at La Bassee. In his fourteenth year he went to an Augustine priory at Douai, where he painted several portraits and genre pictures. At Arras he painted more than 300 small portraits in two years. About 1786 he settled in Paris, executing a vast number of works. In 1799 he gained a prize of 2000 frs., and in 1833, by the desire of the Academy, was invested with the Legion of Honour. He is said to have painted in all over 5000 portraits, besides other works. An ' Arrival of a Diligence ' by him, signed and dated 1803, is in the Louvre. In the Lille Museum are a series of twenty-seven portrait studies for his ' Interior of the atelier of Isabey,' and a sketch for the entire work. Many of his works have been engraved by Tresca, Cazenove, Petit, Chaponnier, and others, whilst he is stated to have produced about a hundred prints himself. He exhibited many times from 1793 to 1824, and died in Paris in 1845.

BOILVIN, Emile, French engraver ; born at Metz ; at first devoted his talent to painting. A pupil of Pils ; exhibited several clever genre pictures, and it was not till 1868 that his first efforts in the field of engraving were mnde. His plates were notable for their spontaneity and freshness, and, while a faithful translator of a great artist's work, he yet contrived to infuse into each masterpiece that he engraved something of his own poetic personality. French painters owe much to Boilvin, from Courbet and Meissonnier to Dagnan, whose ' Cfene ' he was at work upon when his death occurred. Of the famous pictures which he engraved in masterly fashion we have Franz Hals' 'Femme au Gant'; Van der Heist's 'Paul Potter et sa Famille' ; Rubens' ' La Vierge aux Innocents ' ; Boucher's ' Le Triomphe de Galatee ' ; Lancret's ' La Femme aux Parasol,' &c. He obtained a medal of the Third Class in 1877, of the Second Class in 1879, a Grand Prix at the Universal Exhibition of 1889. He was in that 3'ear created Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. His death occurred in Paris in the August of 1899.

BOIS, Df. See Dn Bois and Dubois.