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Turner has received attention from three separate authors ; Mr Algernon Graves, whose knowledge of the pictures is unrivalled, having gone through the article with great care and made many additions and alterations, while Mr. C. M. W. Turner, already mentioned, has contributed the family section, and another writer some criticism.

There are yet very many of the English artists to be mentioned.

The medallists have not been overlooked, as their fine drawings are worthy of notice, and the volume contains notices of eight members of the eminent family of Wyon, as well as references to other leading men in the same profession, such as Tanner, Simon and Snelling. A few architects have been hitherto overlooked, and had to be referred to on account of their work in water-colour or oil ; such men as Sir G. G. Scott, J. D. Sodding, Smirke and Sir John Soane appearing in this volume ; while the writers who practised art, such as G. A. Sala, Sir George Scharf, Challoner Smith, and R. H. Soden Suiitb, and the collectors, as John Sheepshanks, have also received notice.

Amongst the miniaturists the accounts of Scouler and John Smart call for special attention, while amongst English artists not hitherto properly treated, and of some- what lesser moment, it may be v.'ell to direct the reader to the memoirs of such men as William Simpson, and the Varleys, the work of Mr. Martin Hardie, who has also contributed many other articles, including those on C. K. Sharpe, J. Sibmacher, T. Sibson, A. Sisley, George Smith, W. B. Smith, W. C. Smith, G. Steell, James Stephenson, J. E. Stevens, A. and L. Stocks, F. Tayler, and H. J. Townsend, and also to the notices of the various artists of the Strutt family, of the Sharpies family, of J. Woltl" the animal painter, John Syer, Elijah Walton, and others.

The rank and file constitute a very long list, far longer than in the preceding volumes, and the following names may be mentioned : —

J. Saddler, John W. Saddler, Camille Saglio, G. H. Sagstiitter, H. Sagstatter, J. E. Saintin, — Salisbury, B. N. Salm, L. A. Salmon, H. F. Salmson, G. Saloman, Anthony Salvin, John Sanders, J. A. Sanders, Francis Sandford, H. Sandreuter, F. Sangainetti, F. Sargent, John Sartain, E. Sartori, J. F. Sartorius, J. N. Sartorius, H. Sass, A. Sauerweid, Noel Saunier, George Saunders, P. E. Sautai, J. L. du Sautoy, — Savill, F. R. Say, E. J. Schaller, E. de Schampheleer, W. Schaw, A. F. A. Scheuck, H. Scherenburg, K. J. N. Scheuren, F. A. H. Schielvelbeine, E. J. Schindler, G. Schirmer, Ivan Schischkin, A. Schleich, E. Schleich, F. Schmalzigang, M. Schmidt, P. Schobelt, A. Schoenn, Otto Scholderer, C. von Schraudolph, A. Schreyer, W. H. Schroeder, G. E. Schuback, F. A. Schubert, E. Schultz-Bricsen, L. F. Schlitzenberger, T. S. Schurawlew, C. Schweicli, A. Schwendy, Baron von Schwiter, J. J. Scoles, G. G. Scott, A. Sege, G. Seidel, A. Seifert, A. Seitz, C. Sell, L. Sellmayr, H. C. Selous, G. Semper, L. P. Sergent, Sarah Setchell, G. P. Seurat, J. M. Sevestre, Charlotte Sharpe, Mary Anne Sharpe, F. Sharpies, James Sharpies, junr., George Sheffield, T. H. Shepherd, W. Sheppard, Chas. Sherwin, F. S. Shuranlew, S. Sidley, A. Siegert, H. Siemiradski, E. Signol, P. C. Simart, W. H. Simmons, N. Simonsen, F. J. Skill, J. Skippe, E. Shngeneijer, Sydney Smirke, J. R. Smith, S. C. Smith, Frauz Sodar, J. P. Sodermark, C. F. Soerensen, P. P. Sokolow, H. Sondermann, G. A. Spangenberg, L. Spangenberg, C. Springer, F. G. Ssolnzeff, A. Stabli, J. P. Stafford, A. Staunard, A. G. Stannard,