works was the rebuilding of the keep of Alnwick
Castle, and next to that miiy be mentioned the
erection for Lord Tollemache of a castle at
Peckfortoi). The work of restoration and repair
entrusted to him includes important repairs in the
Tower, at Windsor Castle, and to the mined
castles of Carisbrooke, Carnar%"on, W'arkworth,
Alnwick, Graystoke, Dunster, and Brancepeth.
He came of an important Durham family, and was
particularly interested in tlie fortified castles of
ins own and neighbouring counties, and was led
by the study of these buildings to become in his
time the greatest authority on such erections.
When his architectural work was in hand he
devoted considerable time to the preparation of
very remarkable drawings of ancient ruins, and to
other illustrations, showing them as he conceived
they originally were. He resided in London for a
considerable part of his life, but retired in 1804 to
a house he built near Haslemere, known as Hawk's
Fold, and there it was he died in 1881, in the
eighty-second year of his life.
SALVIONI, KOSALBA JIaria, painter, was bom at Kome in the 17th century. Sue studied under Sebastiano Conoa, and in 1730 was admitted an lionorary member of the Acaderaia Clementi of Bologna. In the church of tlie Minorites at Frascati there is a ' St. Catharine ' b}- her.
SALVOLINI, GiDSTiNO de, called also Episcopio, a painter of the 16th century, belonging to the Roman school, but practising chiefly in his native town of Castel Durante, where he painted in col- laboration with Luzio Dolce.
SALWAY, N., an English mezzotinter, who flourished about the year 1760. He engraved some portraits, which are not without merit.
SALY, Jacques Franqois Joseph, (Saillt,) a famous French sculptor, born at Valenciennes in 1717, was a pupil of Coustou. He is mentioned here as the etcher of thirty designs for vases, and of four for monuments. He was Director of the Academy in Copenhagen. In 1774 he went to Paris, where he died in 1776.
SALZEA, De. See De Four.
SALZER, Friedrich, landscape painter, born at Heilbronn in 1827, was instructed in the principles of his art by Bauniann, but afterwards went to Munich. He painted the backgrounds for the battle-pieces of Kotzebue. There is a Winter-piece by him in the Gallery of Stiittgart. In 1863 he gave up art on succeeding to his father's business, and died at Heilbronn in 1876.
SAM, Engel, (or Anoelo.) bom at Rotterdam in 169y, was a good portrait painter, but excelled chiefly in genre. He imitated the manner of Van der Werfi, and, it is said, painted a ' Flight into Egypt' so perfectly resembling the work of that master, that even experts were deceived by it. It is also said that he imitated Metsu. He died at Amsterdam in 1769.
SAMA.CCHIN1, Orazio, painter, was born at Bologna in 1532, and, according to Malvasia, was the pupil of Pellegrino Tibaldi. He afterwards studied the works of Correggio, and was employed to paint in fresco the great chapel in the cathedral of Parma, contiguous to the famous cupola by that distinguished master. He went to Rome in the pontificate of Pius IV., by whom he was employed, in conjunction with IVlarco da Siena and others, in the decorations of the Sala Regia. The Dresden Gallery has a 'Holy Family ' by this artist. Samacchini died at Bologna in 1577 Works :
Bologna. .W. Xarbon-e e Felice. Coroaation of the Virgiu „" .S'. Giacomo Magyiore. Puri ficatiou of the Virgiu- „ Certosa. Last Supper. „ La Trintta. Grucifixioii. Pal. Lamhertini. The Fall of Icaru?. Cremona. 5. Abhondio. Frescoes on the vault.
SAMANIEGO. Mariana. See Silva Bazan.
SAMBACH, Fr.«z Kaspar, painter, was _ horn at Breslau in 1715, received his instruction in art from Reinert and de I'Epee, and at Vieima under Donner. In 1762 he became Professor of Architec- ture ; and in 1772 Director of Painting in the same academy. He painted feigned bas-reliefs in the style of Geeraerts and Jacob de Wit. He also executed some frescoes for the Jesuits' church at Stuhlweissenburg, and an altar-piece for the Franciscan church at Camischa. He died at Vienna in 1796.
SAMELING, Benjamin, painter, born at Ghent in 1620, was brought up in the school of Franz Floris, in whose style he painted historical subjects and portraits. The church of the Jansenisis at Ghent has several works by him after drawings by Lucas de Heere. He died at Ghent in 1614.
SAMENGO, Ambrogio, a Genoese landscape painter of the 17th century, the pupil of Gioy. Andrea Ferrari. His works are few and scarce, in consequence of his early death.
SAMMARTINO. See San IMartino.
SAMMET-BRUEGEL. See Brdegel, Jan.
SAMSON, Jean, a French historical painter of the ,16th century, who, in 1633, was engaged in work for the chateau of Versailles.
SAMUEL, George, landscape painter, was an exhibitor at the Academy from 1786 to 1823. He painted a ' View of the Thames from Rotherhithe Stairs,' during the frost of 1789. He was killed by a wall falling on him, soon after 1823.
SAMUEL, Richard, portrait painter and en- graver, was an exhibitor at the Academy from 1772 to 1779. There is an engraving after him of ' Nine living Muses,' including Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Montagu, Angelica Kauifman, etc. In 1773 he gained a prize from the Society of Arts for an improvement in the method of laying mezzotint grounds.
SAN ANTONIO, Frat BARTOuuife de, was born at Cienpozuelos in 1708. At the age of fifteen he took the habit of the order of the Trinitarios des- calzos, and after studying philosophy and theology went to Rome to study painting, of which he had acquired the elements at Madrid. He remained in Italy six years, and in 1740 returned to his convent at Madrid, which he enriched with an immense number of his productions. About this time the Academy of S. Fernando was established, for which he painted an allegorical picture representing 'Ferdinand VI. and the Catholic Religion.' for which he was received as a member of that body. The church of the Trinitarios, at _ Madrid, also possesses many of his works. He died on February 8, 1782.
SAN BERNARDO, II Vecchio di. See Min- ZOCCHI.
SANCHEZ, Alonso, one of three artists employed to paint frescoes at the university de Alcala de Henares, by command of Cardinal Cisi;6ros, the founder. He was also employed, with live others, in the embellishment of the cathedral cloister at Toledo, for which he was p.aid in 1498. In 1608 he was again employed in the same cathedr:.! with Diego Lopez and Luis de Medina.