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SAVOLINI, Cristofobo, painter, of ftieBulogneee school, a native of Cento, and a pupil of Cristoforo Serra. He painted a good picture of the patron saint for the church of S. Colombia, at Rimini. He was still living in 1678.

SAVONA, II Prete di. See GniDOBONO.

SAVOXANZI, Emilio, a nobleman of Bologna, born in 1680, who attached himself to painting when nearly arrived at manhood. He had many masters ; among them Lodovico Carracci, Guido, Guercinu, and Algardi, the sculptor. He resided at Ancona, and at Camerino, where he died in 1660. His principal work is 'The Marriage of St. Catharine ' at Camerino.

SAVORELLI, Gaetano. painter and draughts- man, flourished at Rome from 1750 to 1775. He is chiefly known as having made drawings from Giovanni da Ud'me'sgrotteschim the Loggia of the Vatican, from which Giovanni Ottaviani engraved.

SAVORELLI, SedastiaKO, a priest of Forli and pupil of Cignani. He was practising in 1690, and painted for the churches of Forli and its neigh- bourhood.

SAVOYE, Daniel, portrait painter and etcher, was born at Grenoble in 1644, and is said to have been a pupil of Sebastien Bourdon. His signature. D. S. sc, is found on a riposo. in which the Virgin is seated near a fountain attended by three angels. Some small etchings of soldiers, and of costumes of the time of Louis XIII., bear the same initials. In the Dresden Gallery there is a portrait of the artist's wife by himself He died at Erlangen iu 1716.

SAVOYEN, Carel van, was born at Antwerp in 1619, and painted many subjects from Ovid in a small size ; he was fond of painting the nude, but his drawing was not equal to his colour. He died at Antwerp in 1669 (? 1680).

SAXON, James portrait painter, a native of Manchester, exhibited at the Acadeniy,_ 1795, and then went to Edinburgh ; he returned in 1805 to London, but afterwards spent some prolific years in St. Petersburg. On his return he took up his residence at Glasgow, but finally came to London, where he died in 1816 or 1817. His portrait of Sir W. Scott, holding a large dog, has been engraved.

SAXTON, Christopbek, a native of Yorkshire and a domestic in the service of Thomas Sekeford, Esq., Master of Requests, is remembered for his complete set of maps of the counties of England and Wales, many of which he engraved himself, while in others he was assisted by R. Hogenberg. Augustine Ryther, and other engravers. M.aster Ryther bore "the expense of the series, which was published in 1579, and dedicated to QiK-en Elizabeth,

SAY', Frederick Richard, a popular portrait painter of the time of George IV., and a constant exhibitor at the Royal Academy. He was the son of William Say the engraver, and his sister Mary Anne was the wife of J. B. Papworth, the eminent architect. He is believed to have been born in 1827, and to have died in 1860, but neither of these dates can be given with authority. His best portrait is considered to be that of Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, and many of his portraits were engraved "by Samuel Cousins. His work is to be seen at Drayton Manor and at Althorpe. It has been confused with the early work of Lawrence, to which it certainly bears some resemblance.

SAY, William, an eminent engraver in mezzo- tint, was horn at Lakenham, near Norwich, in 1768. He was left an orphan at the age of five years, and was brought up by a maternal aunt. Although he showed an early inclination for art, he did not practise it as a profession till his arrival in London, when he had attained his twenty-first year, and was m.irried. He put himself under the direction of James Ward, at that time chiefly an engraver, and under his instruction produced his first plate. He was indefatigable in the art, and in 1807 he was appointed engraver to the Duke of Gloucester. He engraved about 330 plates, a few after the old masters, but the majority after modem painters. Among them we may name the Dilettanti Society, after Sir J. Reynolds (2) ; several for Turner's River Scenery; sixteen plates for the 'Liber Studiorum' ; two of ' Brigands,' after East- lake ; 'Joseph and his Brethren,' after Northcote ; and Hilton's ' Raising of Lazarus.' Many of his plates remained unpublished at the time of his death, which occurred on the 24th of August, 1834. The British Museum possesses a complete set of hia works.

SAYER, James, a political caricaturist, was born at Yarmouth in 1748. He commenced life as a clerk in an attorney's office, but came to London in 1780. His works, which are about a hundred in number, were in favour of Pitt and against Fox, and it is said that the latter declared Sayer's pencil had done him more harm than all the attacks he had had to face in Parliament. Pitt gave him a clerk- ship in the Court of Exchequer, and in time he became Marshal of the Court, Receiver of the Six- penny duties, aud one of the Cursitors. On Pitt's death he published his ' Elijah's Mantle,' which was at one time ascribed to Canning. He died in London in 1823.

SAYERS, Reuben W., was born in 1815. He made his debut at the Academy in 1846, and con- tinued to be an occasional exhibitor until 1867. He also exhibited at the British In:!titution and the Society of British Artists, usually domestic genre. His exhibited works number thirty-four. Some churches possess large paintings of religious subjects which he presented to tliem. He died in 1888.

SAYTEK. See Seuteb.

SAYVE, (or SAIVE,^ Jean Baptiste de, called Jean de Namur, from his birthphice. The earliest known works by him dated from the year 1576. He was for a time painter to the Municipality of his native town, which he left for Brussels, where, in 1590, he was painter to the Duke of Parma, Shortly afterwards he returned to Namur, and finally settled at Mechlin, where he was largely employed by the Guilds, and where he died in 1624. Works :

^I Martyrdom of S, Catharine. Church of S. Hombaut, ) „ Baptism of Christ. Cerch Arch^olo- ) . Judgment of Cambyee*. Portraits of the 'Echevins' Mechlin. Namur. gique. {Diptych).

His son, Jean Baptiste, also practised painting.

SAZJEPIN, NicoLAi KoNSTANTiNOwncH, a Rus- sian amateur of great promise, whose ' Nun in the Choir of a Church' excited much attention at Petersburg in 1853. He was the colonel of a Russian Engineer Battalion, and fell at the taking of Sebastopol, in 1855.

SBARBI, Antonio, a Cremonese painter, was