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Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 5.djvu/80

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fourteen pictures. There are many pictures by Scannavini in the churches at Ferrara, among others the 'Annunciation,' in the church of S. Stefano ; ' S. Tommaso di Villanova distributing Alms to the Puor,' at the Agostiniani Scalzi ; and ' S. Brigida fainting before a Crucifix, supported by an Angel,' in S. Maria della Gr.izie. He died at Ferrara in 1698.

SCARAMUCCIA, Giovanni Antonio, a painter of Perugia, born 1580, was a pupil of Roncalli, but imitated the manner of the Carracci, and painted a large number of pictures for churclies in Perugia, where they still exist. They are now very dark.

SCARAMUCCIA, Luigi Pellegrini, called II Perugino, was born at Perugia in 1616. He was the son of Giovanni Antonio Scaramuocia, by whom j he was instructed in the elements of design ; but ] he afterwards frequented the school of Guido, and : is said to have also studied under Quercino. He painted several pictures for the public edifices of Perugia, Milan, and Bologna. He died at Milan in ; 1680. Works : I

Bologna. Fal. PubUico. Milau. Cli.of San Marco. Coronation of Charles V. St. Barbara.

We have a few etchings by this artist, in which he seems to have imitated Guido. They are : Christ crowned with Thorns ; after Titian. St. Benedict praying ; after Lod. Carracci. Venus and Adonis ; after An. Carracci. i The Virgin; after the same.

SCARAMUZZA, Francesco, Italian painter ; born July 15, 1803, at Sissa, near Parma, where ; he studied, being greatly influenced by the work : of Correggio. He subsequently went to Rome, where he found wider scope fur his talent as an illustrator, and his pen-drawings served to fami- liarize the public with his name, notably his I illustrations of Dante, thouirh he seemed to copy the manner of Cham and of Dor6 in many of these, j The Parma Gallery possesses not a few examples 1 of his work. He died in 1886.

SCARPACCIA. See Carpaccio, Vittore.

SCARSELLA, Ippolito, called Lo Scarsellino, painter, was born at Ferrara in the year 1551. He was the son of Sigismondo Scarsella, from whom he received his first instruclion, but he afterwards ' visited Venice, where he became the scholar of Giacomo B;i8sano, and studied the works of Paolo Veronese. From Venice he went to Bologna, and ! afterwards to Parma. On his return to Ferrara, i he was employed in painting pictures for the I churches, and there is scarcely a public building in ] the oit}' which does not possess some of his works. Scarsellino died at Ferrara in 1620. Pictures :

Dresden. Gallery. Fliglit into Egypt. ] „ ., The Virgin and Child. Ferrara. 5. Maria Nuova, The Annunciation. „ „ ' The Visitation. „ „ The Assumption. „ „ Marriage at Caua. „ Costahili Gallery. Virgin and Child. „ Count Mazza. The Last Supper. „ Pinacoteca, The IMarriage at Cana. „ *S. Benedetto. The Assumption. „ S. Paolo. Frescoes. Benedictine e Kings. Afoaastcry. J ° Florence. UJizi. Judgment of P.iris. „ „ Virgin and Child. Madrid. Museum. Virgin and Child.

SCARSELLA, Sigismondo, called Mondino, painter, was born at Ferrara in 1630, and was educated for three years in the school of Paolo Veronese, of whose style he was a constant, though not a very successful, follower. There are many works by him in the public edifices at Ferrara, in which city he died in 1614. His chief picture is the ' Martyrdom of St. Catharine ' in the Costabili.

SCARSELLO, Girolamo, painter and engraver, a Bolognese, and pupil of Gessi, was practising about 1660. He worked for a time at Milan, and subsequently at Turin, about 1670.

SCHAAL, Louis Jacques Nicolas, painter and engraver, was born in Paris, February 13, 1800. He was a pupil of Daguerre and of Lethiere, and entered the ficule des Beaux Arts in 1816. He ex- hibited frequently at the Salon between 1824 and 1853, and was also the author of various treatises on industrial art and design, of a ' Treatise on Landscape,' illustrated with twenty-four lithographs (1824), and of a ' Project for the Regeneration of the Western Empire by means of the Fine Arts,' with eight engravings (1859).

SCHAARSCHMIDT, Friedrich, was born at Bonn in 1863, and studied at the Diisseldorf Academy and under Wilhelm Sohn. He painted landscapes, the scene of which was often laid in Italy, but is best known by his writings on artistic subjects. He was Conservator of the Diisseldorf Academy, and died in 1902.

SCHACHMANN, Karl Adolph Gottlieb, (GoTTLOB, Gottfried,) Freiherr von, painter and etcher, was born at the Schloss Hermsdorf in Saxony, and travelled much in Norway and Sweden. His pictures are to be found in Saxony. He died on the estate of Konigshayn in 1789.

SCHADE, Rudolph Christian, draughtsman an. I painter, born at Hamburg about 17G0, studied successively under Tischbein, Ehrenreich, and Juel of Copenhagen, and practised portrait-painting at Berlin, Dresden, and Hamburg. Many of his iior- traits have been engraved. He died at Hamburg on May 16, 1811.

SCHADOW, Wilhelm Friedrich von, son of Johann Gottfried Schadow, the architect, was born at Berlin in 1789. He studied under his father and Weitsch, and later under Schirm. In 1810 he went with his brother Rudolph to Rome, and joined the 'Nazarenes,'and in 1814 became a Roman Catholic. In 1819 he became a Professor in the Academy at Berlin, and acquired great reputation as a teacher. In 1826 he was appointed to succeed Peter von Cornelius as Director of the Diisseldorf Academy, whither his pupils, J. Hiibner, Hildebrandt, Sohn, and K. F. Lessing, accompanied him. He successfully reorganized the Academy, and in 1829 founded the Art Union of Westphalia. From 1836 onwards he was the object of many attacks, being accused of professional intolerance, and of favouring religious art to the exclusion of other genres. In 1840 he revisited Rome on account of his health, and in 1859 he resigned his position. Gifted with more taste than originality, and with more technical power than poetic sentiment, he paid great attention to the finish of his pictures. His portraits are among his best works. In 1842 he was created honorary Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Bonn, and in 1843 lie was ennobled. He was a Member of the Berlin Academy, and of the Institute of France. While engaged on his last work he was attacked by amaurosis and became blind.

In spite of a successful operation he painted no more. He died at Düsseldorf in 1862. His principal works are: