Bchool of Diirer. Amongst liis works was the
decoration of the 'Paradise Hall,' in the royal
palace at Innspruck. An altar-piece by him in the
same city' bears the following inscription : " Se-
bastian Schel, painter of Innspruck, made this
picture by the help of God." He died in 1554.
SCHELBEH. See Schelver.
SCHELDE. See Van der Schelde.
SCHELFHOUT, Andreas, landscape painter, born at the Hague in 1787, received his first in- struction from the scene painter Breckenheymer, and in 1815, with his 'Winter Landscape ' now in the Amsterdam Museum, first made himself a name. He painted the natural scenery of Holland, and his works are numerous. He was a Member of the Academies of Amsterdam, Brussels, Ghent, and the Hague. He died at the Hague in 1870. The Amsterdam Museum possesses a large collection of his works.
SCHELLENBERG, Johann Rudolph, a Swiss designer and engraver, born at Basle in 1740. He was the son of J. U. Schellenberg. Among other plates, he engraved several for Lavater, and from the designs of Cliodowiecki ; also some of the portraits and ornamental prints for the ' Lives of the Swiss Painters,' by J. C. Fuessli. He also engraved a large number of plates for works on entomology. He died at Toss near Winterthur in 1806.
SCHELLENBERG, Johann Ulrich, bom at Winterthur in 1709, was a pupil first of a house- painter and then of Huber in Berne. He superin- tended a Drawing-school in Winterthur and painted portraits and landscapes. He was the master of Anton Graff. He died at Winterthur in 1770.
SCHELLENBERGER, Johann Jacob, a German engraver, who flourished about the year 1660. He engraved some of the plates for Prioralo's ' History of the Emperor Leopold.' He was living in 1674.
SCHELLINCKS, Daniel, the brotljer of Willem Schellincks, was born at Amsterdam in 1638 (?), and painted landscapes and seaports with some success. He died in 1701. Several good chalk drawings by liim are to be seen in the Albertina Collection, Vienna.
SCHELLINCKS, Willem, (Schellings, Schel- LINKS,) was bom at Amsterdam in 1632, and, from tlie style of his pictures, is supposed to have been a scholar of Jan Lingelbach. He travelled through France, Switzerland, Italy, and it is said England. He painted landscapes and sea-ports, with figures. The sunny effect in some reminds us of Karel du Jardin ; his animals are well drawn, and his groups well composed. On the embarkation of Charles II. for England, at the Restoration, Schellincks painted a large picture of the scene for the family of Witsen. It contained a vast number of well-grouped figures. He painted the burning of the English Fleet in the Medway, and was also much employed in inserting figures in the pictures of Wynants and Heusch. "The works of Schellincks are to be found at St. Petersburg, Copenhagen, Frankfort, and Augsburg. He made drawings of Stonelienge, as it then existed, and of several other objects that would attract a stranger in England ; there is, therefore, little doubt as to his having been here. He died in 1678.
SCHELTEMA, Taco, bom at Harlingen in 1760, distinguished himself as a portrait painter. He formed himself on Van Dyck. After visiting Diis- seldorf he went to Saxony, where he painted many portraits, but afterwards retumed to his own country, and resided alternately at Amsterdam and Rotterdam. He pamted the portraits of the founders and directors of the Batavian Society, and numerous family pictures. He died in 1837.
SCHELVER, AuGtJsr Franz, genre and battle painter, born at Osnaburg in 1805, was first a pupil of Neelmeyer, and then, with assistance from his native town, went to Munich for improvement. In 1833 he produced his picture of the Battle of Hanau, but hunting scenes, horse-market scenes, and battles constitute the principal partof his works. He died at Munich in 1844. In the Munich Pina- kothek is a picture by him of a Tyrolese wagon coming up a rocky pass.
SCHENAU, (SchOnad,) Johann Eleazak. See Zeisio.
SCHENCK, August Friedrich Albrkcht, Danish painter ; born at Gliickstadt (Holstein), April 2.3, 1828; became a pupil of L. Cogniet ; and, after working in England and Portugal, he went through a further course of study at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. He settled at Ecoiien, near Paris, and soon made his mark at the Salon by several vigorous and soundly-painted composi- tions. Besides animals, he painted effective land- scapes, notably snow-scenes with horses, sheep and dogs. Of his works we may mention : ' Paysans polonais attaqu&s par des loups,' 'Troupeau de chfevresen detresse,' ' Moutons Montagnards,' ' Les Survivants du Troupeau,' &c. He obtained a Salon medal in 1865, and, in 1885, the Legion of Honour. He died at Ecouen, January 1, liiOl.
SCHENCK, Pieter, was born at Elberfeld in 1645, but studied drawing at Amsterdam. As an engraver he commenced with some topographical works, in which he was assisted by Gerard Valcke, who afterwards taught him mezzotint, in which proce.'is he engraved a large number of portraits. In 1683-4 they became partners, and it is difficult thenceforward to distinguish their numerous pub- lications from their actual performances. Augustus II., Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, named Schenck engraver to his court. Schenck died at Amsterdam about 1715. A long list of his prints is given by Nagler. There is » good collection in the British Museum.
SCHENDEL, Bernard, bom at Haarlem in 1634, was a scholar of Hendrik Mommers. He painted conversations and merry-makings, and v.-as a good draughtsman and colourist. The probable date of his death was about 1693.
SCHENDEL, Petrd.s van, painter, born at Terheyden, near Breda, in North Brabant, in 1806, worked at the Antwerp Academy from 1822 to 1828, under Van Bree. Wiertz, Leys, and Geerts were his fellow-pupils. He then returned to Hol- land, living successively in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, where he painted portraits, and the Hague. Thence he went to Brussels in 1845. He produced several Market Scenes, with effects of light, as ' Evening Market at Antwerp,' and 'The Fishraarket,' both in the National Gallery at Berlin; ' Market by Moon- light,' in the Pinakothek ,at Munich. He also painted a few subjects from sacred and profane history and portraits. He died at Brussels in 1870.
SCHENK, C. WiLHELM, engraver, born at Leipsic about 1785, worked at the Academy, and engraved portraits and historical subjects for books. He went afterwards to Brunswick. He has left a small plate from Leonardo da Vinci's ' Last Supper.'
SCHENK, S. P. See Tillemans.
SCHENKER, S. Nikolaus, engraver, bom at Geneva in 1760, went in 1779 to Paris, and began