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and practised at Borgo San Sepolcro, where he painted decorative perspectives in palazzi.

SCHIAVO, Paolo, was a pupil of MaBolino da Tanicale, whose style he is said to have imitated. His ' Madonna and Child with a St, John the Baptist and another Saint,' now much damaged, may still be seen on the wall of the Canto di Nelli, at Florence.

SCHIAVONE, Akdbea. See Meldolla.

SCHIAVONE, Gregorio, a Dalmatian living in the 15th century, was a pupil of Squarcione. He was employed in the decorations of the Eremitani Chapel, Padua, and painted the ' Enthroned Virgin and Child,' now in the Berlin Gallery, while the side panels of this altar-piece, with the figures of St. Louis and St. Anthony of Padua, are in the Canons' sacristy at Padua. The National Gallery, London, has two pictures by him, a ' Madonna and Child, enthroned, with Saints,' and a 'Madonna and Infant Christ,' Schiavone was fond of proclaiming himself the disciple of Squarcione in his signatures. He flourished from about 1440 to 1470.

SCHIAVONE, LucA, a decorative painter, who flourished at Milan about 1450. He excelled in desig-ning embroidery for ecclesiastics.

SCHIAVONETTI, Luigi, engraver, born at Bassano in 1765. was the son of a stationer, and from his infancy displayed a taste for drawing. Before he weis thirteen he had made some progress with- out the help of a master, when he was placed under the tuition of Giulio Golini,by whom he was taught for three years, at the end of which his master died. He now turned his thoughts to engraving. A copy of a ' Holy Family,' in line, frorn a print engraved by Barto Corri, after Carlo Maratti, gained him immediate employment from Count Remaudini. The works of Bartolozzi were then in vogue at Bassano, and Schiavonetti imitated several with great success. Some of his copies were shown to Bartolozzi by one Testoloni, as his own, but when Schiavonetti himself came to England, the deception was exposed, and Bartolozzi received him into his house. After working for some time under Bartolozzi, he set up for himself, and prac- tised with much success until his death, which happened in June, 1810, in London.

The following are among Scliiavonetti's principal works: Events in the life of Louis XTI. ; four plates ; after Benazech. The cartoon of Pisa; after Michel- Angela Buonarroti. Portrait of Vandyck, in the character of Paris. The Mater Dolorosa ; after Tandi/ck. The Lauding of the British Troops in Egypt ; after Loutherl'oury. A set of etchings for Blair's Grave ; after Blake. The Canterbury Pilgrimage ; after Sto'.hard. Dead Christ ; after Vandyck. Portrait of Berchem ; after Rembrandt. The Death of General Wolfe, engraved from a gem by Marchant, in the original unpublished Museum Wors- leyauum. There is a copy in the smaller edition. Death of Virginia ; after Treskam. Marriage at Cana ; after Pellegrini. Death of Tippo Sahib; after Singleton. Queen Elizabeth ; after Westall. Portrait of the Duke of York ; after Boydell. Queen of Prussia and her sister ; after Ttschbein. Portrait of W. Blake ; after T. Bhlips. Plates in ' The Italian School of Design,' published by Ottlei/. Also, in Oiamberlaine's collection of repro- ductions of Italian drawings ; and ' Specimens of Ancient Sculpture,' published by the Society of Dilettanti. 'Sweet C^iina Oranges' and 'Milk Below, Maids,' for Wheatley's 'Cries of London.'

SCHIAVONETTI, Niccolo, was the younger brother of Lui^-i Schiavonetti, and executed some plates in the style of that artist, though he worked chiefly in conjunction with him, helping him especially in the 'Tippo Sahib' and the 'Canterbury Pilgrims.' He engraved in stipple 'New Mackrel' (published 1795) for Wheatley's ' Cries of London.' He did not long survive his brother, but died in London in 1813.

SCHIAVONI, Felice, a painter, bom at Trieste in 1803, was a son and pupil of Natale Schiavoni, whom he followed to Vienna and Milan. He settled at Venice in 1830, where he painted historical and mythological subject-:. His best works are his ' Descent from the Cross ' and ' Raphael painting the Fomarina.' He died in 1868.

SCHIAVONI, Natale, an eminent painter and distinguished engraver, was born at Chioggia in 1777. He studied engraving under RafEael Mor- ghen, at Florence, but in 1797 went to Venice, and studied under Maggioto. His first important work was a ' St, Francis ' for the church of that saint in Chioggia ; he then for a time painted miniature portraits. From 1802 to 1816 he lived in Trieste, and in which latter year he painted portraits of tli.,- Emperor and Empress of Austria. In 1825 he went to Slilan, and divided his attention pretty evenly between painting and engraving. In 1841 he painted a large altar-piece for St. An- tonio in Trieste, and afterivards a fine ' Magdalene,' now in the Belvedere, at Vienna. He painted many ' Bathing Venuses,' in which he could display bis skill in the nude ; he made a copy of Titian's 'Assumption,' now in Russia; and produced with the help of his sons a large ' Adoration of the Magi.' His celebrity as an engraver is chiefly owing to his splendid plates aflcr Titian's ' Assumption of the Virgin,' and ' The Entombment." There is also a portrait of the Marquis Manfredini, w'hich is considered a chef-d'oeuvre. About 1840 he became a Professor of the Venetian Academy. He died in Venice in 1858.

SCHICK, Gottlieb, an historical portrait and landscape painter, was born at Stuttgart in 1779. In 1798 he went to Paris, and commenced his artistic studies in the atelier of David. In 1802 he returned to Stiittgart, but soon went on to Home. He had some imagination, and his pictures are in many instances distinguished by simplicity and purity of sentiment. ' The Sacrifice of Noah,' ' David playing before Saul,' and ' Apollo with the Shepherds,' the last in the palace at Stiittgart, are among his best works. There is a fine ' Eve at the Fountain,' by him in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne. He excelled in portraiture, and painted several members of the Humboldt family, and other distinguished persons. His landse.ipes are of the heroic kind, enriched with subjects from the poets. Schick was one of the founders of modern German art. He died at Stiittgart in 1812.

SCHIDONE, (ScHEDONE,) Bartolommeo, painter, was born at Modena in 1660. Although he is generally allowed to have been brought up under the Carracci, his works exhibit little resemblance to their style. He rather appears to have formed himself on the study, of Raphael and Correggio, but his style has a sharpness, severity, and dryness which is peculiar to him. Schidone had already gained some reputation at Modena, when Duke Ranuccio took him under his protection. He painted several pictures for his patron, and these.