Page:Buchan sangster (1).pdf/4

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Oh, how sweet the artless joys
At your ain fireside,
While your gleesome girls and boys
Cheer your ain fireside;
Or can blyther sight be seen,
As they round your board convene,
Fresh and fair as olives green
By your ain fireside?

Would you foree the bitter tear
At your ain fireside,
Frae the heart you vow'd to cheer
At your ain fireside?
Could you see the fading cheek
Still her smother'd grief bespeak,
And afar your pleasure seek,
Frae your ain fireside?

Have you vow'd to train for heaven
At your ain fireside,
Those sweet flow'ries kindly given
To your ain fireside?
Could you see their bloom decline,
While in cold and want they pine,
Or run wild in heart and min',
At your ain fireside?

Would you dread the serpent's fang
At your ain fireside?
Or the deadly adder's stang
At your ain fireside?
Frae the drunkard's drink abstain,
And your sair-won penny hain;
Then will peace and pleasure reign
At your ain fireside.