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Maiden's Trance.


A ſtrange Relation of one Mary Spencer, born at Weburn in Buckinghamſhire, who at ten years of age, being in perfect health fell into a Trance, and lay dead for three days and nights together when juſt as they were going to cloſe up the coffin in order to carry her to the church to be buried, ſhe came to life again to the great amazement of all that ſaw her--After some time ſhe declared to all then preſent, what ſtrange and wonderful things ſhe had heart and ſeen in the other world as the joys of heaven, and the diſmal amazing torments of hell.


How an Angel, in a white garment, told her what ſhould ſhortly happen to Great Britain, France and Ireland: And her laſt prayer, written by her own hand.

Stirling, Printed in this preſent Year.