Page:Buddhist Birth Stories, or, Jātaka Tales.djvu/218

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275. At the Bo-tree's foot the Winged Ones Shouted, for joy that the Sage had won; "The Blessed Buddha — he hath prevailed! And the Tempter is overthrown!"

276. At the Bo-tree*s foot the Angel hosts Shouted, for joy that the Sage had won; "The Blessed Buddha — he hath prevailed! And the Tempter is overthrown!"

277. At the Bo-tree's foot the Brahma Gods Shouted, for joy that the Sage had won; "The Blessed Buddha — he hath prevailed! And the Tempter is overthrown!"

The other gods, too, in the ten thousand world-systems, offered garlands and perfumes and uttered his praises aloud.

It was while the sun was still above the horizon, that the Great Being thus put to flight the army of the Evil One. Then, whilst the Bo-tree paid him homage, as it were, by its shoots like sprigs of red coral falling over his robe, he acquired in the first watch of the night the Knowledge of the Past, in the middle watch the Knowledge of the Present, and in the third watch the Knowledge of the Chain of Causation which leads to the Origin of Evil.[1]

Now on his thus revolving this way and that way, and tracing backwards and forwards, and thoroughly realizing the twelvefold Chain of Causation, the ten thousand world-systems quaked twelve times even to their ocean boundaries. And again, when the Great Being, making the ten thousand world-systems to shout for joy, attained at break of day to complete Enlightenment, the whole ten thousand world-systems became glorious as on a festive day. The streamers of the flags and banners raised on the edge of the rocky boundary to the East of the world

  1. Pubbe-nivāsa-ñāna, Dibba-cakkhu, and Paticca-samuppāda.