Page:Buddhist Birth Stories, or, Jātaka Tales.djvu/296

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Long ago Brahma-datta was king in Benares, in the country of Kāsi. And the Bodisat of that time assumed re-existence in the womb of his chief queen; and on the day on which they chose a name for him, they gave him the name of Prince Mahiŋsāsa. And when he could run to and fro, and get about by himself, another son was born, whom they called the Moon Prince.

When he could run to and fro, and get about by himself, the mother of the Bodisat died. The king appointed another lady to the dignity of chief queen. She became very near and dear to the king, and in due course she brought forth a son, and they called his name the Sun Prince.

When the king saw his son, he said in his joy, "My love! I promise to give you, for the boy, whatever you ask!"

But the queen kept the promise in reserve, to be used at some time when she should want it. And when her son was grown up, she said to the king, "Your majesty, when my son was born, granted me a boon. Now give me the kingdom for my son!"

The king said, "My two sons are glorious as flames of fire! I can't give the kingdom to your child alone!" And he refused her.

But when she besought him again and again, he thought to himself, "This woman will surely be plotting some evil against the lads!" And he sent for them, and said, "My boys! when the Sun Prince was born, I granted a boon. And now his mother demands the kingdom for him! I have no intention of giving it to him. But the very name of womankind is cruelty! She will be plotting some evil against you. Do you get