Page:Buddhist Birth Stories, or, Jātaka Tales.djvu/455

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The names mentioned in the Tables following the Introduction are not included in this Index, as the Table in which any name should occur can easily be found from the Table of Contents. The names of the Jātakas as far as published in Mr. Fausböll's text are included in this Index, the reference being to the number of the story; all the other references are to the pages in this volume.

In Pāli pronounce vowels as in Italian, consonants as in English (except c = ch, ñ = ny, ŋ = ng), and place the accent on the long syllable. This is a rough rule for practical use. Details and qualifications may be seen in my manual 'Buddhism,' pp. 1, 2.

No. Abbhantara Jātaka . No. 281 Abhidhamma, lxiv, 106 Abhiṇha Jātaka . . No. 27 Abhisambuddha-gāthā, lxxvi Adiccupaṭṭhāna Jātaka . No. 175 Æsop, vii, xi, xxxi-xxxv Afghanistan, xliii Age, virtue of reverence to, 310, 320 Aggika Jātaka . . No. 129 Ājañña Jātaka . . No. 24 Ajita, Brāhman and Bodisat, 39 Akālarāvi Jātaka . . No. 119 Akataññū Jātaka . . No. 90 Āḷāra Kālāma, 111, 89 Alīna-citta Jātaka . No. 156 Amarāvatī, a city, 23 Amba Jātaka . . . No. 124 Anabhirati Jātakas . Nos. 65, 185 Anātha-piṇḍika, 130, 326-330 Aṇdabhūtā Jātaka . . No. 62 Andhapura, a city, 153 Angels open the gate for Gotama, 83; the four guardian (Loka pāla), 110, 92; foolishly doubt regarding the Buddha, 90, 105 Anoma, a river, 85 Antelope, the greedy, 212 Antelope, the wily, 237 Anūpiya, a grove, 87 Anusāsika Jātaka . No. 115 Apadāna, lxxiv Apaṇṇaka Jātaka No. 1 Arabian Nights, xlii Arabian story-books, xxix, xxx Araka Jātaka . . . No. 169 Arahats, outward signs of, 87; unconsciousness, a supposed condition of, 90; indifferent to worldly things, 120 Ārāma-dūsa Jātaka . Nos. 46, 268 Archery, 76 Arindama, King and Bodisat, 69 Asadisa Jātaka . . No. 187 Asampadāna Jātaka . . No. 131 Asaŋkheyya, an æon, 105 Asaŋkiya Jātaka . . No. 76 Asātamanta Jātaka . . No. 61 Asatarūpa Jātaka . . No. 100 Asi-lakkhana Jātaka . No. 126 Asitābhu Jātaka . . No. 234 Ass in the Lion's Skin, v Assaji, the fifth convert, 113, 118 Assaka Jātaka . . No. 207 Astrology, 168, 185 Astronomy, 150 Atideva, Brāhman and Bodisat, 39 Atīta-vatthu = Birth Story, lxxiv Atthadassin, a monk in Ceylon, 1; see Buddha, No. 17 Atthassa-dvāra Jātaka . No. 84 Atula, Nāga-, King and Bodisat, 38, 48 Avadānas, see Apadāna

Babbu Jātaka . . No. 137 Babrius, the Greek fabulist, xxxiii Bāhiya Jātaka . . No. 108 Baka Jātaka . . .No. 38 Bandhana-mokkha Jātaka No. 120 Bandhanāgāra Jātaka . No. 201 Baptism, 71