Page:Building Up Socialism - Nikolai Bukharin (1926).pdf/24

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which is quite close to the position taken by A. Bogdanov. Bazarov starts out from approximately the same premises as does Bogdanov, but he formulates his conclusions much more concretely and distinctly. It is worth while dealing with these conclusions while avoiding the argumentation, the general character of which has just been referred to. This is how they are formulated by the author. Analysing the Western European forms of State capitalism, V. Bazarov draws the the following conclusion:

"In view of what has been said above it seems to us absolutely incredible that the Labour Party in the fairly near future will be able to utilise this new form of the bourgeois system as an instrument for the establishment of a genuinely Socialistic planned economy. The only task accessible to it under present conditions is that formulated by the German opportunists, namely, the conversion of the profit-making system of economy 'into a State economic organisation for supplying the needs of the consumer' (Bedarfsdeckungswirtschaft) as is the clumsy designation of this new invention."[1]

Modifying the ideas of the opportunists in the direction of the necessity for this organisation of State capitalism having an international character the author makes the following summary of his views:

"We are dealing here with a very extensive and complex organisation, but as this organisa-

  1. V. Bazarov (Rudnev): "On the Path to Socialism," Kharkov, 1919, pp. 21–22.