Page:Building Up Socialism - Nikolai Bukharin (1926).pdf/60

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of quotations, which are alleged to support the "theory" of the opposition. But the opposition conceal and do not subject to analysis the other series of quotations, which the adherents of the Central Committee put forward against it. Where can we find the key to the solution of all this? This key must be sought for in the works of Lenin himself, and it can be found easily if his statements, especially those contained in his later works, are carefully examined. We think that the key for the solution of this problem can be found in the following quotation taken from Lenin's article "On Co-operation." In this article Lenin wrote:

"I am prepared to say that our centre of gravity would be transferred to cultural development, were it not for international relations, were it not for our obligation to fight for our position on an international scale."[1]

This quotation teaches us how the various postulates of Lenin concerning the impossibility of the final victory of Socialism in a single country (in our country) should be interpreted. Lenin's idea is as follows: If we start out from the combination of forces within our country, then in spite of the backwardness of our country, in spite of the enormous difficulties created by this backwardness, we have all that is necessary and what is sufficient for the construction of Socialism. We may build and complete the construction of Socialist society.

This Leninist position is the very opposite of the position of the Social-Democrats; it is completely distinct from the position of Trotsky; it is radically different from the position of those "shades,"

  1. Lenin: "Collected Works," Vol. XVIII., Part II., pp. 144–45.