Page:Building Up Socialism - Nikolai Bukharin (1926).pdf/62

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capitalism are arrayed against us. Precisely this idea is expressed in the extract we have quoted, an idea which Zinoviev has quoted an infinite number of times with different variations. If one examines all the extracts from Lenin's works (including those quoted by Zinoviev in his book on "Leninism") against "the final victory of Socialism in a single country," it will be seen without difficulty that reference is made precisely to dangers from without. Comrade Zinoviev confuses the question by piling into one heap internal and external dangers. In this connection the following is extremely curious. On page 278 of his book, Zinoviev writes:

"No one, we hope, would charge a book like the 'ABC of Communism' with being pessimistic. That book was written at a time when our revolution was marching triumphantly from victory to victory. In that bok we read: 'The Communist Revolution can be victorious only as world revolution… In a situation where the workers have been victorious in a single country, economic construction, the organisation of economy is extremely difficult… If for the victory of Communism, the victory of world revolution and the mutual support of the workers are necessary, it follows that a necessary condition of victory is the international solidarity of the working class.'"

This is not "pessimism," this is simply the abc of Communism (without quotation marks).

Comrade Zinoviev, in the simplicity of his soul, thinks that he can cover his nakedness with the "ABC of Communism." Alas! The abc of Communism (as well as the "ABC of Communism") is totally against him.