in which the term enclosed by vertical lines represents the magnitude only of the vector. is perpendicular to the plane containing and let be the component of in this plane and let be the resultant of and . Then
Dividing and by the longitudinal and transverse masses respectively, we obtain for the accelerations,
The acceleration perpendicular to the radius vector is
Recent estimates make the sun's velocity about 20 kilometers per second, so that its direction makes an angle with the plane of the earth's orbit of about 55°. When is perpendicular to the plane containing and the normal to the plane of the orbit, is nearly zero; it must in fact be less than (the eccentricity of the orbit) even in the favorable case when the minor axis falls in this position; with the major axis in this position it will be zero. In this position, therefore, the acceleration perpendicular to the radius vector cannot be as much as twice that which was found for the sun at rest. When is in the plane containing and the normal to the plane of the orbit, °, ° and So that the acceleration perpendicular to the radius vector will be less than
that is its ratio to the acceleration in the direction of the radius will be less than
In order to be quite certain that astronomical facts are not in conflict with the principle of relativity, it will doubtless be necessary to make detailed comparisons between observation