Page:Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America.djvu/165

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just such lines as these. Refer to other instances of principles which he considers fundamental in matters of government.

55, 24. exquisite. Exact meaning?

56, 5. trade laws. What would have been the nature of a change beneficial to the colonies?

61, 1. English conquest. At Henry II.'s accession, 1154, Ireland had fallen from the civilization which had once flourished upon her soil and which had been introduced by her missionaries into England during the seventh century. Henry II. obtained the sanction of the Pope, invaded the island, and partially subdued the inhabitants. For an interesting account of England's relations to Ireland the student should consult Green's Short History of the English People.

62, 13. You deposed kings. What English kings have been deposed?

63, 23. Lords Marchers. March, boundary. These lords were given permission by the English kings to take from the Welsh as much land as they could. They built their castles on the boundary line between the two countries, and when they were not quarrelling among themselves waged a guerilla warfare against the Welsh. The Lords Marchers, because of special privileges and the peculiar circumstances of their life, were virtually kings—petty kings, of course.

66, 25. "When the clear star has shone upon the sailors, the troubled water flows down from the rocks, the winds fall, the clouds fade away, and, since they (Castor and Pollux) have so willed it, the threatening waves settle on the deep. "—Horace, Odes, I., 12, 27–32.