Page:Burnett - Two Little Pilgrims' Progress A Story of the City Beautiful.djvu/53

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Two Little Pilgrims' Progress

that overwhelmed her. She found herself looking at him with a hard lump rising in her throat. It was one of the rainy days, and the hollow drumming and patter of the big drops on the roof seemed somehow to shut them in with their loneliness away from all the world.

"It's a strange thing," she said, almost under her breath, "to be two children—only just twelve years old—and to be quite by ourselves in such a big world, where there are such millions and millions of people all busy doing things and making great plans, and none of them knowing about us or caring what we are going to do."

"If we work our miracle ourselves," said Rob, holding her hand quite tight, "it will be better than having it worked for us. Meg!" as if he were beginning a new subject, "Meg!"

"What?" she answered, still feeling the hard lump in her throat.

"Do you think we are going to stay here always?"

"I—oh, Robin, I don't know."

"Well, I do then. We are not—and that's the first step up the Hill of Difficulty."