Page:Burnett - Two Little Pilgrims' Progress A Story of the City Beautiful.djvu/64

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Two Little Pilgrims' Progress

alike, because they couldn't help it. We have both thought of the same thing. I went to Aunt Matilda, asked her to let me work somewhere and pay me and she let me go into the dairy and try. And Mrs. Macartney said I was a help—and I am to have fifty cents a week, if I go on as I've begun."

Robin's hand gave hers a clutch just as it had done before that day when he had not known why.

"Meg, I believe," he said—"I believe that we two will always go on as we begin—I believe we were born that way. We have to. We can't help it. And a dollar a week—if they keep us, and we save it all—could go—almost anywhere some time."

Meg's eyes were fixed on him with a searching but half-frightened expression.

"Almost anywhere," she said quite in a whisper—"anywhere not more than two hundred miles away."