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Farewell to my father, my mother, and friends,
Likewise to the young man that would not make amends,
Moreover to the Sailor that would not pity me,
For ten thousand times over my folly I see.

Divider from 'Burns' farewell', a chapbook printed in Glasgow in 1816
Divider from 'Burns' farewell', a chapbook printed in Glasgow in 1816

The Ayrshire Laddie.

MY Jamie is a bonny lad,
he often comes a courting, O,
The sight of him aye makes me glad,
but, Oh! when we were sporting, O.

My louping breast to his he press’d,
he row'd me in his plaidy, O,
He held me there till I confess’d
I dearly lov’d the laddie, O.

He says, I kill’d him with my een,
his tale is ever ready, O;
He swears by all the stars of heav’n
that Nell shall be his lady, O.

Every lass is thrang engag’d
with some weel-faur’d callan, O,
My neighbour Jess, and Jane, are pledg’d
to marry Rab and Allan, O.