Page:Burns' popular songs (1).pdf/14

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I'll aye ca' in by yon Town.

I'll ays ca' in by yon town,
And by yon garden green, again;
I'll aye ca' in by yon town,
And see my bonnie Jean again.
There's nane sall ken, there's nane sall guess,
What brings me back the gate again.
But she, my fairest faithfu' lass,
And stowlins we sall meet again.

She'll wander by the aiken tree.
When trystin time draws near again;
And when her lovely form I see,
Oh haith, she's double dear again!
I'll aye ca' in by yon town,
And by yon garden green, again;
I'll aye ca' in by yon town,
And see my bonnie Jean again.

Sweetest May.

Sweetest May, let love inspire thee;
Take a heart which he desires thee;
As thy constant slave regard it;
For its faith and truth reward it.

Proof o' shot to birth or money,
Not the wealthy but the bonnie;
Not high-born, but noble-minded,
In love's silken band can bind it.