Page:Burns' popular songs (1).pdf/19

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There sat a bottle in a hole,
Beyont the ingle lowe,
And aye she took the thither souk,
To drouk the stowrie tow.

Quoth I, for shame, ye dirty dame,
Gae spin your tap o' tow!
She took the rock, and wi' a knock
She brak it o'er my pow.

At last her feet. I sang to see't.
Gaed foremost o'er the knowo;
And or I wed anither jail,
I'll wallop in a tow.

Bannocks o' Barley.

Bannock's O' bear meal,
Bannock's o' barley;
Here's to the Highlandman's
Bannocks o barley.
Wha in a brulzie
Will first cry a parley?
Never the lads wi'
The bannocks o' barley!

Bannocks o' bear meal,
Bannocks o' harley;
Here's to the lads wi'
The bannocks o' barley!
Wha in his wae-days
Were loyal to Charlie?
Wha but the lads wi'
The bannocks o' barley?