Page:Business Names Registration Act 2014.pdf/19

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NO. 29 OF 2014

(b) a limited liability partnership registered under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act,

ceases to reside in Singapore when it is dissolved.

(16) For the purposes of subsections (9), (10) and (11), an authorised representative ceases to be qualified to be an authorised representative if he or she ceases to have full legal capacity or ceases to be ordinarily resident in Singapore.

General power to cancel registration

12.—(1) The Registrar may cancel the registration of a person and the person’s business name if—

(a) the Registrar is satisfied that—
(i) the business of the person is being used or is intended to be used for an unlawful purpose or for purposes prejudicial to public peace, welfare or good order in Singapore; or
(ii) it would be contrary to the national security or interest for the person to continue to be registered;
(b) in connection with the person’s business, the person carrying on the business, or any other person appointed by that person to manage the business solely or substantially on that person’s behalf, has been convicted of an offence under the Charities Act (Cap. 37); or
(c) the person required to appoint an authorised representative under section 11(1)—
(i) fails to appoint an authorised representative within the period that the authorised representative is required to be appointed under section 11(3) or (4); or
(ii) fails to appoint a new authorised representative within 30 days after the date that the person’s sole authorised representative resigned, retired, died or otherwise ceased to be, or ceased to be qualified to be, the person’s authorised representative as required under section 11(11).