Page:Business Names Registration Act 2014.pdf/21

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NO. 29 OF 2014

(3) Section 12(4) does not apply in a case where the Registrar cancels the registration of a person and the person’s business name under section 12(1)(a)(ii) on the basis of a certificate issued under subsection (1).

Cancellation for failure to renew registration

14.—(1) If the registration of a person and the person’s business name expires, the Registrar is to give written notice to the person that the Registrar may cancel the registration unless the registration is renewed within the period stated in the notice.

(2) The period stated in the notice under subsection (1) must be at least 30 days after the date of the notice.

(3) The Registrar may cancel the registration of a person and the person’s business name if the registration is not renewed within the period stated in the written notice given under subsection (1).

(4) A person and the person’s business name continue to be registered after the registration of the person and the person’s business name has expired unless the registration is cancelled.

Use of business names

15.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who is required to be registered and is registered under this Act must not carry on business under a business name other than the person’s registered business name.

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent a person from carrying on business under a business name if the person is not required to be registered in respect of the business name under section 4.

(3) The registration of a business name under section 8(1) does not authorise the use of the registered business name if the use of the registered business name is otherwise prohibited under any written law or other law.