Page:Business Names Registration Act 2014.pdf/24

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Companies Act, a period of at least 2 years has passed after the date of dissolution; or
(ii) unless, in a case where the company was dissolved following its name being struck off the register kept under the Companies Act under section 344 or 344A of that Act, a period of at least 6 years has passed after the date of dissolution;
(c) it is identical to the name of a foreign company notice of the dissolution of which has been given to the Registrar under section 377(2) of the Companies Act, unless a period of at least 2 years has passed after the date of dissolution;
(d) it is identical to the name of a limited liability partnership that was dissolved—
(i) unless, in a case where the limited liability partnership was dissolved following its winding up under section 30 of, and the Fifth Schedule to, the Limited Liability Partnerships Act, a period of at least 2 years has passed after the date of dissolution; or
(ii) unless, in a case where the limited liability partnership was dissolved following its name being struck off the register under section 38 of the Limited Liability Partnerships Act, a period of at least 6 years has passed after the date of dissolution; or
(e) it is identical to the name of a limited partnership that was cancelled or dissolved—
(i) unless, in a case where the registration of the limited partnership was cancelled under section 14(1) or 19(4) of the Limited Partnerships Act, a period of at least one year has passed after the date of cancellation; or
(ii) unless, in a case where notice was lodged with the Registrar of Limited Partnerships that the limited partnership was dissolved under section 19(2) of the Limited Partnerships Act, a period of at least one year has passed after the date of dissolution.