Page:Business Names Registration Act 2014.pdf/29

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NO. 29 OF 2014

for the order for the administration by the court of the deceased’s estate must provide such evidence as may be acceptable to the Registrar.

Cessation of business

22.—(1) Where a registered person stops carrying on business in Singapore under a registered business name, the registered person must, within 14 days after so stopping, lodge with the Registrar a notice that he or she has stopped carrying on business under that registered business name.

(2) The Registrar may, if the Registrar thinks fit, allow a registered person to lodge with the Registrar a notice notifying the Registrar in advance that the registered person intends to stop carrying on business under a registered business name on the date specified in the notice.

(3) Any registered person who fails to comply with subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.

(4) On receipt of the notice under subsection (1) or on the date specified in the notice under subsection (2), as the case may be, the registration of the person and the person’s business name to which the notice relates ceases.

Cancellation of registration

23.—(1) Where the Registrar has reasonable cause to believe that any registered person is not carrying on business in Singapore in respect of a registered business name, the Registrar may give that person a notice in writing stating—

(a) that the Registrar proposes to cancel the registration of the person and the person’s business name; and
(b) that any objection to the proposed cancellation must be in writing and delivered to the Registrar by a date specified in the notice, being a date at least 30 days after the date of the notice.