Page:Business Names Registration Act 2014.pdf/43

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NO. 29 OF 2014

Composition of offences

37.—(1) The Registrar may, in his or her discretion, compound any offence under this Act which is prescribed as a compoundable offence by collecting from a person reasonably suspected of having committed the offence a sum not exceeding the lower of the following:

(a) one half of the amount of the maximum fine that is prescribed for the offence;
(b) $5,000.

(2) On payment of such sum of money, no further proceedings are to be taken against that person in respect of the offence.

Destruction or transfer of old records

38. If the Registrar is of the opinion that it is no longer necessary or desirable to retain any document filed or lodged with, submitted to or issued by the Registrar and which has been microfilmed or converted to electronic form, the Registrar may—

(a) destroy the document with the authorisation of the National Library Board under section 14D of the National Library Board Act (Cap. 197); or
(b) transfer the document to the National Archives of Singapore under section 14C of that Act.

Enforcement of duty to make returns

39.—(1) If a person—

(a) having failed to comply with—
(i) any provision of this Act; or
(ii) any provision of any other written law which requires any return, account, notice or other document to be filed or lodged with, or submitted to, the Registrar,
fails to make good the non-compliance within 14 days after service of the Registrar’s notice to comply with the provision;